Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Adventure 856: Day 79/Tucson/2023

The temperature reached eighty-six today, and I heard my Bunny say, "It's almost too hot." So we hit the road for an adventure. First, we stopped at a new taste treat we found by accident coming home from church last Sunday. It's a family run operation called Buendia, which we didn't stop at on Sunday because there was no room in the parking lot. Today, we stopped by a little after one, and they had one table open. It will be on our tour list from now on. The atmosphere welcomed us, the food pleased our eyes and our stomachs, and we left with full hearts heading for Mt Lemmon, which is just 27 miles Northeast of Tucson, but takes 90 minutes to get to the top due to the winding and climbing. Tucson's elevation is 2388. Mt Lemmon's elevation is 9171. We didn't get that high, but we did cross the 8000 foot mark. The road climbs first through a large forest of majestic saguaros, then through a bit of scrub mesquite to some scraggily pines and finally to big pine trees whose trunks stick up out of the snow banks. The wind was howling, and from one vista I swore I could see Mexico. We finished our adventure this evening watching one of the lovey dovey movies Amazon Prime likes to produce. The movie, Journey of My Heart, is totally saccharine, sort of Cinderella meets the Milky Way. Unbelievable, but way better than fake news any day. I recommend it because a good dose of fantasy makes life good, especially today.

The grade climbs a thousand feet every two miles.

Quite a few "Rich Mitches" scattered on the mountainside.

These homes are bigger than they look.

After the saguaro forest, the moonscape begins.

Lunch interlude: The table centerpiece.

Chicken Mole enchiladas with rice and salad for Judy.

Dorado Tacos (shredded beef and potatoes)  with a side of beans for me.

Alien sighting.
So steep the guy on the right had to rest.

The view from Windy Point Vista. Temperature 64. Wind speed about 20 mph-enough to blow a hat off a bald guy.

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