Friday, March 10, 2023

Adventure 837: Day 60/Tucson/2023

We got back in the adventure saddle this morning with a nice hike up Pima Canyon. The whole route is seven miles to the Kimball Peak. The trail is steep and rocky, and involves several creek crossings, which today was manageable because the water is low. However, there is clear evidence of a much higher water level after heavy rain. Undeterred by the need to reach the peak, we set our sights on our normal time limit of three hours. The morning felt fresh, the sky looked blue, and we didn't fall during our three creek crossings, so we considered the adventure a rousing success. The best part, besides being with my hiker babe, was once again enjoying the cacti. The mountainside was literally speckled with saguaros, cholla, octatillos, palo verde, and other desert flora and fauna. Because we followed the creek up the canyon, there was also  more than usual greenery, weeds some would call it, and of course, plenty of sand and rock. Once again, I'm in awe of the desert, and glad to be in the warmth of the Southwest. After our hike, we did a little shopping in preparation for the arrival of our oldest son and his family who will fly in tomorrow for a long weekend. They'll be glad to get out of the snow, and seeing them will add joy to our lives. After all, joy helps make life good, especially today.

The arrow should be pointed up.

Once again I think of these cacti as sentient beings. These two are locked in a loving embrace.

That's Tucson in the distance, under some exquisite cloud striations.

Given enough time, food, and water, a person can make it to the peak.

These guys and their cousins travel the route all the time.

We keep hoping we'll be here long enough to see the desert bloom.

Hiker babe (alias: Wiley Cager) proving that age is just a number.

I may not be good looking, but Im looking good.

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