Thursday, March 23, 2023

Adventure 850: Day 73/Tucson/2023

Great day to be a K-State fan. Great day to be a Zag. Both games fit the madness mold. The good news is both teams survived and advance to the Elite Eight. It doesn't get any easier, but to be playing for a chance to get to the final four is pretty special, more so for the players who put every bit of their hearts and souls, every ounce of their sweat and tears, and every dream above their fears. For them, it's life and death. For us fans, it's vicarious thrill in victory, and wrenching agony in defeat. That's why they call it March Madness. Before the games this afternoon, Judy took Rod and Karen to Tohono Chula gardens for a look see. It's a marvelous space, well tended, and inviting. They enjoyed it. I spent two hours this morning with Sifu Misner and one of his senior students. After reviewing some fine points in the form, we blew up the air mattress and Sifu and Jason proceeded to "bounce" me using every conceivable combination, including one time when Sifu turned around and bounced me with his back. The point of the bouncing is to learn the elasticity of rebounding force. Sifu said that the first time he went to train with his teacher, he was literally bounced every day for a week. The process, quite joyful actually, brought laughter from deep inside my consciousness. Hopefully, I'll gain some insight from the experience. On the health front, we're still battling bugs, but we're not letting them get the best of us. Maybe someday soon we'll be fully healthy so we can exclaim, "Life is good, especially today."

Obligatory cactus picture. This beauty decorates the entrance to the housing complex.

After yesterday's rain, the sky clear off and gave us this soft evening.

Bright sun is on its way tomorrow.

Rod and Karen enjoying the garden.

This is the bouncing mattress, but it's from another time. The only one being bounced today was me.

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