Friday, January 26, 2024

Adventure 899: Tucson Winter Two/7

Sixteen days into this feels pretty comfortable. We've reconnected with Southside Presbyterian, not only on Sundays, but we're volunteering at Cross Street Monday and Friday. It feels good. Judy has developed her work out routine with her trainer, Rob;.She's also knitting like a machine trying to keep up with Ginny Kral who literally IS a knitting machine. I'm enjoying getting replugged into the Tai Chi community down here. As for other realities. The weather this past week went from torrents of rain on Monday to a perfect 65 and sunny today. Judy and I made two trips to Sweet Water for walks, and we enjoyed two lunch dates: One for Indian food and the other for the Tucson delicacy known as the Sonoran Hot Dog. Like I said, two weeks in and life seems good, especially today.

Wednesday was also my first wife, Annie's birthday. She'd would have been 73. Libby spent the day on a day trip to Bainbridge Island, I spent the day walking in the desert, and Steve swept the snow off the grave stone. We miss her.

Selfie at the Tamarind, a nice Indian restaurant near us.

Some of our cactus buddies waving at us as we pass by.

The Sonoran Hot Dog, a delicacy beyond compare.

The sky tonight.

I had a little mishap with the rice bag. I thought I set the microwave for one minute. Almost four went by before the place fill up with that burining smell. Luckily, no fire.

I needed a cold "two" after that.

Judy knit this fabulous shawl.
Look at this guy's swell physique after the rain.

We harvested the crop from the tree in the backyard. 

I think this is in the fall of 1983. (Anne, Tina, Tony, Steve, Me)
[Rita must have taken the picture]

Monday, January 22, 2024

Adventure 898: Tucson Winter Two/6

i know living in this world, it takes all kinds, I find myself constantly baffled, often dismayed, and mostly helpless to change the course of things. The best I can do is serve others, even in small ways. I served in the classroom for thirty-one years, as did my  Bunny. Now that we have time, we're putting our kitchen skills to use helping feed the homeless in a program sponsored by Southside Presbyterian called Cross Street. I believe that people are more  alike than they're different, and I think humans can help each other. I also believe in the battle of good and evil. I've got to believe there's more people in the world who want to build than there are those who want to destroy. It's in that spirit that I work against those who would demean, displace, and discourage those less fortunate. Like Shalom in Spokane, this program offers a meal with no strings attached. The goal is just to provide good food in a place where people can eat with some dignity. That's all. 

In daily news, Judy's health is back to normal except for a tickle in her throat. She's knitting and working out. My Tai Chi moves apace: slowly, but steadily. And people have toldl me patience is a good thing. It must be working because life is good, especially today. 

Saturday Tai Chi Class breaking up. Sifu has about twenty regular students. Some have studied with him more than fifteen years.

A lady named Jean prepares this table. Cereal, PP&J sandwiches; Ham and cheese sandwiches; bananas and oranges.

After Keb Mo finished.

As you can see, I'm grateful to Keb Mo for scraping the snow off of Davey Boy.

My Bunny in her volunteer suit.

Today part of the meal was baked bbq chicken.

Talented members from the church provide music.

Sifu showing Thomas the proper foot placement on the Repulse Monkey steps. Thomas came from Germany to spend two months training with Sifu Jordan, much the same as me.

Selfie of the day: All smiles at 5:30 A.M.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Adventure 897: Tucson Winter Two/5

My best laid plans of blogging once a week fell prey to too much fun. First, we spent time with our niece, Kate, her husband, Scott, and their first born, Alden. We enjoyed a nice brunch and visit with Scott's aunts and their families. The aunts and husbands are out from Iowa and Nebraska respectively to serve in a Mennonite program called Shalom. They will help ready living quarters for immigrants for the next two months. They will also spend time with their son and his wife (Scott's cousin Derick and his wife Mandy). Scott and Kate and Alden spent their last night with us before they headed back home to Goshen. Midweek I met with some friends from Spokane and their Tuscon friends for what amounted to a little over a thirty mile bike ride, since I rode to the meeting place instead of driving. It was my first ride of the year, what was fun, but I am singing like me tender. For a final Southwestern flair, we tried a vegan Mexican restaurant on Scott and Kate's recommendation. Called Tumerico, the menu changes daily; the ingredients are fresh, and the street front ambience makes the experience earthy and delicious. Like we always say, Life is good, especially today.

The pictures load randomly. This is Diane Ketcham, a friend from Spokane eying her brand new electric bike.

Alden, of course, is the star of the show.

We rode from Christina Taylor Green Park to Catalina State Park, a little over ten miles one way.

Miss Kate and her aunt Judy.

Who are all these people?

Red Chili Tamales made with Jack Fruit and veggies.

Miss Kitty, out for the first time this year.

Uncle Will, playing with Alden.

Of course, there was plenty of rolling around on the ground.

Ellen and Marge, Scott's aunts ready for a hike in Sweetwater. Missing from the photos are Derick and Mandy and Ellen's husband, Byron.

The biking crew: Diane and Ted Ketcham, Lynn and Lisa,  and CJ enjoying lunch after the ride.

Cuban Tacos, a little bit sweet and very tasty.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Adventure 896: Tucson Winter Two/4

One week accounted for in this year's stay. Though cool, we've enjoyed mostly sunny weather while back home the temps have fallen below zero. Needless to say, we're happy to be here. We've visited a few of our favorite haunts, including a lunch stop at  El Nene's and two hikes among our cactus friends out at Sweetwater Preserve. I've made contact with my Tai Chi group. Judy has set up time with her personal trainer, and although she suffered this week with a Covid quarantine, she's better now, and her most recent test was negative. So I'd say we're off and running. This morning we attended church at Southside Presbyterian, a place of worship that suits us well, satisfies our spirit, and reminds us of God's goodness. At home I've been volunteering at the Shalom Ministries food kitchen in down town Spokane. Judy and I will begin our volunteer service here in much the same way at the Crosstreet Community beginning this Friday. Crossstreet serves the homeless breakfast two days a week. It' a good place to put our food service skill sets to use. Other than that we have little to report, except to say that life is good, especially today.

When we first came to Tucson, this place was a food truck on the corner. It's brick and mortar now. Very busy and very good.
As many of you may know, I love cactus. This venerable specimen sits alone on the corner of River road and La Canada. It's amazing to think it was here long before the roads were built.

Ahhh, the welcome some old friends.

This lovely gal welcomes visitors to our temporary abode.

Who? Me?
tt was a long hot summer. Some of the guys lay down for a permanent rest.

Selfie of the day.

This preserve is very close to the house, so it's a favorite walking destination for us.

I'd really just like a hug.
Battered by age and weather, this guy is barely hanging on.

The saguaros are amazing plants. They've got woody skeletons and this porous inside which soaks up moisture.

And they grow at the tip not more than a few inches a year.

And of course, life is always good with my favorite Bunny.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Adventure 895: Tucson Winter Two/3

Woke up feeling like royalty. Ginny and David had hot coffee, an egg white and veggie scramble, fresh turkey red wheat toast, and bright smiles waiting for us this morning. After breakfast, we got to move into our winter space early. We felt right at home after we unpacked. It's as pleasant as we remember. Judy went with Ginny and David to arrange for working again this winter with a personal trainer. I made contact with Sifu Misner. The sun peeked through the clear blue sky, and though it was cold by Tuscon standards, my spirits soared. I walked around the neighborhood, sat in the hot tub, and basically lounged the day away until we went over to the Kral's for pizza and the national championship football game. Unfortunately, Michigan proved to be the better team this time. So while Husky nation is sad tonight, Judy and I are firmly held in the arms of a spirit who realizes that life is good, especially today.

Our buddies, David and Ginny Kral.

Morning light in front of the Kral's home.

One of my favorite saguaros. I visited it on my walk today.

Last year, this bougainvillea froze. So far, so beautiful this year.

Judy sliding pizza into the Kral's new Ooni pizza oven. Tonight was the maiden voyage. Wildly successful.

After some pretty good pizza, Judy had one eye on the game and both hands on her needles.

Ginny, too, had one eye on the game, and two hands on her needles.