Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Adventure 848: Day 71/Tucson/2023

Life just keeps getting better. I met this morning with Russ, another of Sifu Misner's senior students. Russ is the third senior I've worked with in addition to the time I've spent with Sifu, who believes his students benefit from teaching others. I couldn't agree more, and I've been eager to absorb as much from them as I can. Russ, a structural engineer by trade, is always the person who takes newcomers in class. I can see why. He has an attention to detail as well as a mastery of the form that he imparts with clear, gentle expertise. He throws in a dash of self deprecating humor on the side. For me, his instruction this morning added several excellent points to my form. I only hope I can incorporate them before they vanish into the ether. It's like when I was in school. I wasn't very good at math. I'd listen intently and during class I understood, but when I got home the material on the math book page turned into Sanskrit. I tried to mitigate that today by practicing each adjustment Russ gave me, just as I have done with the other two senior students. There is a correct way to do the form, and there's a reason for every movement. It's exciting. I feel like I've hit the mother lode, and I want to be sure that by the time I return next winter, I won't have invented what we call at home "Why-Goo-Chi" because if that's the case I'll have to relearn the correct moves all over again. And let me tell you, unlearning bad habits is no easy task. On another exciting note, we picked up Rod and Karen Franz from the airport tonight. They'll spend the next week with us, which provides an excellent ending to our time here. When we were traipsing around in Fric and Frac, nearly all trips went through Manhattan, Kansas where the Franz's live. The two sisters, Judy and Karen love being together; Rod and I are sports enthusiasts; and all four of us love puzzles, food, and cards. Our time together will prove that life is good, especially today.

Famished after their flight, we whisked Rod and Karen to El Sur, a local family run Mexican restaurant we found in South Tucson.

Both couples shared a green chili burrito. Unpretentious and Delicious.

Rod and Karen, who've never been to Tucson, seen here pondering the line, "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto."
And Flan, Oh My!
Karen brought the German medicine and the Vick's vapor rub. Here I can be seen undergoing one of Dorothy (their mother) K's cold remedies. Let the healing begin!

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