Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Adventure 709: Peek a Loo Spokaloo/Post A

The beep, beep groan of the refuse truck jarred us awake at 4:45 A.M. I can only surmise the driver's long day if he starts that early. No worries, a cup of coffee, a muffin, and a quick game of crib brought us to the morning's reality. We left for the airport at 5:50 A.M. By 6:20 we had parked. By 6:45 A.M. the shuttle had delivered us to our airline. By 7:00 A.M. we stood in front of the security guard. That's when I discovered I had lost my driver's license. The mistake I made was taking it out of my wallet and putting in my pocket in an effort to avoid rummaging at the security desk. I then pulled a credit card out, no picture, but it had Judy's name on it. He said, "You don't look like a Judy." I refrained from saying, "You haven't seen me dress up." By now, the guard was full empathy for the pathetic old man standing in from of him. Ha! My ploy worked. He said, "You'll have to hand over all of your possessions." Then the back end wand masters scanned literally every thing I had in my bags. No contraband found. From there our flight from Tucson to Seattle was uneventful. The flight from Seattle even more so. Angela picked us up in the "White Rocket" (Our Audi), and I zipped us home. The weather in Spokane, while forty degrees colder than Tucson, was still an amazingly warm and sunny 41 degrees. I got on line and made an appointment with DOL to recover my lost license tomorrow. Sawyer and I then drove out to check on the Davey Boy, which was ship shape, dry, and nestled safely its birth. Angela and Sawyer made us a one day late Valentine's dinner. Before dinner, Falcon and I played with trucks and shot a few hoops in the basement, and I soaked in the hot tub. What else could a guy want? Dinner was great, the company pleasant so surely life is good, especially today.

Mimi in Falcon heaven.

Falcon in doggy heaven.
The prevailing wind in Spokane gave us a circling pattern around the city. Pretty surreal, actually.
The Wiley Cager whittling away at my lead. I was 0-2 today.
Mt. Rainier.
Me and Sawyer checking on the boat.
Selfie of the day: As of yet, I was blissfuly unaware I had lost my license. There's a good chance it's jumping out of my pocket right here..
Chef Angela and Sous Chef, Swayer. Yummy wild boar pasta with asparagus. 

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