Saturday, February 5, 2022

Adventure 699: Catalina State Park Revisited/Post G

Today we went in search of some new desert to explore. We drove about ten miles North to where the Sutherland Trail and the Fifty Year Trail leave Catalina State Park. We hiked up a rocky service "road" until we entered a wash that had running water from the melting now atop of Mt Lemon. The scenery, as usual, was panoramic. The air, crisp and cool, breathed fresh joy into our lungs. We saw several birds, but no snakes, lizards, roadrunners, or gila monsters.Too cold for those guys. We did see a few other people who had the same idea as us. Arizonans are hearty outdoor people. By the time we returned to the trail head, the place crawled with mountain bike riders and hikers, either returning or just about to venture out. It was another six mile day. One thing is for sure, we're walking more than we would eat home. On a positive note, I managed to skunk the Cager this morning to close the deficit to $1.70. I hope that is a harbinger of things to come. We're still under a hard freeze watch tonight, which means we unhook the water. By Monday the weather will warm becoming more pleasant both day and night as it climbs to normal temperatures of 70H/40L. Doesn't matter, we'll enjoy things either way. We have had a Frac mishap. We have a water leak that I think I've located, but I can't find a picture of the part in any catalog I've looked at so far. Fortunately, it's the bathroom sink so we can just not use it until we can find a way to get it repaired. Small problems help us realize that life is good, especially today.

We walked through grass, rocks, and dry brush to get to this wash, which was bordered by several saguaros.
The service "road".
Beyond this gate is wilderness. Travel at your own risk.
Selfie of the day: Go Zags!
I think this is the culprit, but I have no idea what it is. Ignorance ain't so blissful.
Part of our hike today skirted private property.
Bunny testing the water for a skinny dip.

That thin blue ridge in the distance is beyond South Tucson. It would be a long hike.

1 comment:

  1. Is Mt. Lemon the shape of a lemon? Do you know the reason for the name?
