Friday, March 18, 2022

Adventure 737: Backyard RV Resort Montgomery, AL/Post A

Slept like babies until about 3 A.M. when the boom, flash, splash of the thunderstorm woke us up. It rained at least three inches in an hour, but Frac stayed as dry as the palms of a seasoned gambler.. Somewhat later we got up, lounged around a little, and fixed a leisurely breakfast, and played a game of crib while we waited for the strong thunder cell to move through Montgomery. We left Jackson at ten,  stopped for groceries at the local Kroger's, and made our way to  Montgomery with dry skies and mostly dry pavement. We got to the resort, really just a lot of sites tucked away in a field, unhooked, set up, fixed a snack, walked for a beer (It was a long drive.), and proceeded to watch some hoops. I loved playing hoops. Watching is fine, but nothing beats swishing one through the hoop. I'm probably better than I think I was or a thinker probably better than I wish I was, but I did swish a few through in my day. Anyway, it's all good fun. Tomorrow we plan to get a full slap in our liberal faces at the Heritage Museum and the Peace and Justice Memorial. It's bound to be a somber day. It's the reason we're here. And it is a land foreign to me, so it's a chance to learn. My neighbor, who rolled in just behind us, chatted me up. I loved his Southern drawl; He's from Florida just over the Alabama line South. He lives on eighty acres and owns a 160 more. He used to be in the poultry business. He lamented that because of the stimulus money people were moving into his county in droves and buying the land up. He went on to praise Governor Desantis making some reference to the no mask mandate, then complained that Biden wouldn't give the Ukrainians jets, and otherwise bemoaned the state of affairs. I listened politely. We parted ways amicably when he told me a joke. The joke had the kind of word play I enjoy, though the content is somewhat sketchy given my political leanings. It goes like this:

 "I heard that Biden had to go the emergency room last night."

"Oh, ya. Why?"

"He couldn't stop Putin."

I laughed because life is good, especially today.

 I figured since we're Putin, I might as well poot out a few selfies.

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