Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Adventure 734: Luckenbach, Texas/Post B

Most places in Texas fly these flags side my side.
Fric and Frac dry camping in Luckenbach.
Seems like a natural to have a shelf in the men's room in an establishment that sells a lot of beer in cans and bottles. Very handy one might say.
Michael and Kathy Broussard, picking leaders on the first night. Excellent duo.
Ben Beckendorf, the guy in the black shirt, led the picking the second day. He's clearly a class act who focused on the blues. I was tingling like a just washed baby.
They called this guy James. He simply stunned us with his voice, his feelings, and his original songs. 
Hondo bought Luckenbach in 1970. He answered an ad in the paper "Town for sale". Looks like he bought himself a cash cow.
Annie Doyle, from Houston, sat in for two song. Loved her passion.

Back at the trailer to write this blog post, I feel like I've been bathed in a bubble bath of sweet sounding, sweet smelling, sweet feeling musical notes. The musicians the last two days varied in both style and mastery, and that's the magic of the picking circle. Everyone's welcome. You know what they say, "Everybody's Somebody in Luckenbach." The place was crowded the last two days because it's Spring Break in Texas. Lots of people just looking to have a good time. It's been fun. It's all about the music. Every musician up on the stage exuded a love for the playing. It's clearly not really about money, fame, and fortune. It's really just about the playing, listening, complimenting. My favorite song of the two days was "Gotta bad case of the lost my baby blues." Luckily, I haven't lost my baby, although I was offered by the barkeep when I was ordering our Lonestar. There was a woman sitting at the bar. He says that she says, "She thinks you're live wire." I reply, "I am." The barkeep asks, "Are you free?" I reply, "No. There would be repercussions. He handed me my beer. I tipped him a buck. He said, "Thanks." I walked back to my Bunny and we shared the beer. What could make life better than sitting on a log swinging and swaying next to my sweetie? I'm feeling quite grateful that life is good, especially today.

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