Saturday, March 12, 2022

Adventure 731: Lyons and Campbell Ranch Headquarters/Post I

We enjoyed a nice morning walking around Silver City, which is sprinkled with art galleries, curio shops, and restaurants. By the time we enjoyed a cup of coffee at the Tranquil Buzz and wandered about town looking at old buildings and interesting homes, it was time to return to Diane's Deli and Bakery for lunch. As the low girl on the cribbage pole, the Cager had to buy lunch. She says to me, "I lost, so I have to pay for lunch. Could you give me your credit card?" I replied, "Yes, dear." Back at the ranch, we washed Fric and Frac and hooked the trailer up for an early start in the morning. Around 5:30 P.M. we invited our host, Alex, to have a parting drink with us in his Saloon. We toasted, chatted, and laughed like little kids. It was a good stay here at the ranch. We explored the area. Our only complaint was the freezing nights and the biting wind. But I'm here to tell you, the blue sky warmed my spirit every day. I'd love to experience this place when it's warm and sunny. It would be nice to soak in the hot tub, cool off in the pool, and maybe have a movie night on the 20 foot screen. All of that would be icing on the cake because the country itself provides enough wonder, beauty, and mystery to tingle most inquisitive minds. So, basically, life is good, especially today.

Silver City is full of art.
We enjoyed a parting drink with our host, Alex.
Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon.
Laugh. Choose with no regret. Continue to learn. Appreciate your friends. Do what you love. Love as if this is all there is.

Finishing off the Blanton's in the LC Saloon.

Fric and Frac, all spiffed up and ready for the next leg.

Maybe the best coffee shop vibe I've ever been in.
Our traveling buddy, Liz,  at her screen door

The Wiley Cager handing back my credit card.

1 comment:

  1. When I read this part of your story to Yoshiki, [She says to me, "I lost, so I have to pay for lunch. Could you give me your credit card?" I replied, "Yes, dear."], he fell on the floor and laughed so hard, his sides hurt!! : )
