Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Adventure 130: Seattle, Washington/Northwest Interlude/PostA

Thanks to O & W, the Bunny can hop the jet stream.
Redemption is so sweet! I used all my nimbly pegness to put that whipper snapping wily cager back where she belongs: second place (I'll do anything for a consolation hug). She would have had a chance to tie, but Betty (The sweetly addled storage lady) forgot to call the cab, so we didn't have time to play at the Palm Springs airport. We were traumatized anyway (It's a Kansas Mennonite thing) because we had to throw away an almost empty jar of mayonnaise, eight Costco turkey burgers, two tablespoons of butter, some yogurt, and an open can of frozen tomato paste. We decided to turn off the refrigerator, so we had to sacrifice twenty bucks. The alternative would be  to return to a trailer with dead batteries, empty propane, and (Likely) a mess of spoiled food anyway. We've entered into a time of uncertainty (What, another day?). At least now the propane and the batteries will be preserved. We can afford to buy some more mayonnaise. At any rate, Fric and Frac are tucked away nicely. Hopefully, they'll be safe and sound when we return. There is an awful lot of traffic in and out of the storage unit. They have security and gates and all, but all it takes is for one person to give the gate code out to some unsavory character. I try not to worry about things that haven't happened yet. Thanks to Orville and Wilbur Wright, we had an uneventful (Quite pleasant, actually) direct flight from Palm Springs to Seattle. Our daughter, Elizabeth (Libby) picked us up and chauffeured us back to her apartment near Green Lake. We walked over to Ocean Thai, a local place we always go to because it's right around the corner from her apartment and it's very good as well. Then we went to the Zoeyogurt  shop for dessert (Just around another corner), and it seemed like deja vu all over again. It's always good to see my favorite daughter (Daughter hugs are way better than consolation). Tomorrow evening, we'll attend dinner with as many of my family as can make it, which will give us a chance to be together before the funeral service on Saturday. Until then, I've been thinking about the notion of the surreal. Not just today, but every time I travel, I'm amazed that I can be one place one moment, and another the next (It takes a little longer than "Beam me up, Scotty", but nonetheless). Every time I disembark, I walk out to what I call 'Everywhere America' (That is when we travel in the states). I see every reiteration of corporate America out there, and in every town there is a Division street and Main street, and most places have an Eisenhower era concrete highway (The old road). It's even more astounding to go overseas because then I get to see the stark differences in culture. Maybe that's why traveling is so fun. The only state I've been to that doesn't spew the corporate culture out in the form of neon lights is Vermont. It's not that Vermont's anti-capitalist (They're as eager for money as any, just ask the leaf peepers) , but they do it in a much more pristine way.  They tuck quaint Inns and lovely Bed and Breakfast establishment in every one of their Green Valleys. They even have laws that prevent the neon signs from being too big. I guess it just doesn't take much to amaze me, but no matter because I'm very happy to be in my little girl's apartment, even though there aren't any neon lights. Happily, we're safe and sound, which means life is good, especially today.
 This is where the "Nimbly Pegging" happened. Breakfast was surprisingly good, too.
 Those wisps aren't clouds, they're jet streams.
 I hope Betty keeps an eye on things for us.
 Not too many airports have palm trees in the main concourse.
 Security was vigilant. If I'd had had a bottle of French Champagne, they'd have said, "You can go back out and drink it, but we can't let more than three ounces of liquid through the gate.
 Butt heads!
 Gene Autry Trail, Bob Hope Drive, Sonny Bono Concourse. What's next, Justin Bieber Egg Road? (Just Google him).
 From gate eleven (Palm Springs) to gate fourteen (Seattle) in three hours. We live in amazing times.

 Fresh rolls with peanut sauce at the Thai Ocean. Pretty yummy gruel.
 Art shot out the window of the Thai Ocean.
 We had decimated the main courses before I remembered to document. Senility or Low Blood Sugar….you decide.

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