Still smiling after thirty-six years. That's how you do it. |
The Ulmen's plane arrived after about six round trips through the Austin airport. The no waiting officers are especially vigilant in the Lone Star State. But all was well, though the plane departed Denver about an hour late. We found the VRBO without a problem, the entry code worked like a charm, and the rack of ribs we bought earlier in the day at Sam's BBQ were heated through by the time Liz an Dave unpacked. After a quick snarf, we headed down town to the Friends bar for the Sunday night blues jam where several locals take turns on the stage playing various blues riffs. It was excellent, especially considering none of them play together or practice together. It's quite amazing to those of us from a musically starved town (Spokane) that even the amateurs are entertainingly excellent. Today, our start was late due to jet lag and four days of us (frickin' sixty somethings) trying to entertain them (Young thirty somethings) in a town that stays up late. Of course, we revisited the TacoDeli, which was again excellent. There's reason the line trails out the door and around the corner. Leticia's plane didn't leave until five, so we just had to visit the flag ship Whole Foods store. It was a sensory overload explosion of internationally sourced locally produced goods with the accompanying gigantic organic price tag. We dropped TC off at the airport; she was sad to leave, and then we drove back for a late lunch at Elizabeth's, a French flavored Pho restaurant just a little off the tourist row. It was very good, and it was nice to enjoy some broth after this steady diet of Texas beef. Then we rested for the night shift. For dinner, we enjoyed Dave and Liz's thirty-sixth wedding anniversary with an excellent meal (Our fourth) at the South Congress Cafe. And right now, through the miracle of technology and Ulmen savvy, we're watching a taped delayed version of the Zag game through Dish TV on the internet: Dish anywhere TV as long as there is a WiFi connection. The world has come a long way since party line phones, full service gas stations, and black and white TV. Some of it is amazing. We're a little sad to say good bye to the girls, but our time together here in Austin was special. We're now looking forward to experiencing some new adventures (Maybe not so late) with the Ulmen's. On a tournament note, I took advantage of a fatigued wily cager to open 2-zip lead in he Pecan Grove open. One thing to look forward to is the video I shot of Leticia accepting her prize in Chicken Shit Bingo. It was both hilarious and typically Leticia. Just hope I can develop the technical chops to download the video (To aid in the process, I'm visiting the Apple store tomorrow to get help from some young genius). Regardless, life is good, especially today.

Our last morning morning all together. We enjoyed our traditional after Church breakfast in the warm Austin sun (A cold from came in later, dropping the temperature thirty degrees). So it goes in paradise.
Fric and Frac, more than ordinary trailer trash.
These old guys are just itching to get back on the road. It's a class T-bird coupe, and a first edition fourteen foot Airstream. Imagine touring Route 66 in these babies!
Just off the plane and already bar hopping.
TacoDeli. Simply excellent.
Good bye Lone Star.
One street down from Congress Avenue, which is the main tourist street in Austin. It's motto is 'Keep Austin Weird'.
Fresh as new snow, these two show no signs of wear after a late night of Austin clubbing.
Jalapeño Won Ton Soup and a panini filled with Vietnamese vegetable and French pate. Quite good.
Beef Pho.
One man's throw away (Old silver spoons) is another man's Austin chic.
And to think mom said, "No sex. No sex. Now it's OK." Really?
Butternut Squash soup poured over thick slivers of really fine parmesan cheese.
Warm goat cheese salad topped with thin slices of Parma ham.
Cream Brûlée. Life is truly good.
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