Adventure 71: Hill Country RV Resort/Post D
Guadalupe River |
In an expressly less than Christian gesture, my Hunny Bunny cackled with glee when she skunked me to take a 4-2 lead in the New Braunfels Open. She stopped short of snapping the cards down on the table, but who knew she could pirouette like a Russian ballerina? Not to worry, though, we've a few more days, and I'm sure I can catch her fair and square. After church with the Lutherans, we had our normal fried potato and egg Sunday breakfast. This time is was spiced a little with the addition of some of the Boudin sausage. Yum. Then we took off to check out our next camping spot out at Canyon Lake, which is about thirty miles northeast of New Braunfels. The camp ground, Potter Creek, is a Core of Engineers campground. It was nestled right along the shore of the lake (Actually a reservoir), and it looked great. They don't take reservations, but hopefully there will be spots. We took the scenic route out to the lake on the river road next to the Guadalupe River. It was beautiful, and every spare inch was private property, vacation rentals, or tubing resorts. It's not Priest Lake, but these Texans only think they've seen heaven. For them it looks pretty good, and for us, the riding could not have been better. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, it was just over sixty, the traffic was light, and the road was smooth. We've gone from zero to sixty. We've ridden sixty miles in three days. The Bunny's knee was a little sore yesterday when we had to battle the wind, but today it felt good (So she says). We got back to the trailer about three, just in time to clean house, do the wash, and wash most of the outside of the trailer. Tomorrow, we're heading into Austin on a scouting trip, so we wanted our house to be in order before we left. We even plan to wash the truck before we drive to Austin tomorrow. We wouldn't want these Texans to think we were a couple of rubes just in from the territories. We welcomed the sunny skies, the light wind, and the possibility of several days of warmth. Who knows? I always say that the weatherman is always right, he's just rarely on time. We will still hope that the high pressure remains for a few weeks. Tonight, we drove into town to pick up a homemade pizza at Di's. The pizza was good, but the Christmas lights in the downtown square were dazzling. What a treat it was to pull into the roundabout and see such a display. It reminds me of another motto I believe in: It's the cheap thrills that keeps a guy going. On another fun note, we got to talk to the grand daughters (And Bonnie). Emily told us all about rollerskating last week, and Sarah said her doll, Bessie, was pretending to light candles. At the time we called, Bonnie was in the shower. Sarah got to the phone first. According to Bonnie, her running dialogue occurred at the same time she was running around the house butt naked. It's like reading. Our imaginations are running wild. Best of all, they sound good. We are also good, and of course, life is good, especially today.
I'm not sure what they do to control the level of the water, but there is evidence of water about nine feet higher than the current level.
The Bunny gets cuter every day.
Most of our ride looked like this today.
Or like this.
There she is again, trying to rent a tube at Jerry's.
Look, mom, no coat.
This was one of the nicer homes along the river, and this live oak must have lived here for several years.
Now this is what I call a tree house. This home was at least fifty feet taller than zany other structure in the area. Unfortunately, the trees hid the view of its underpinnings, which was a maze of stairways and decks.
Di's homemade pizza: our first pizza since Spokane.
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