Eggs asperating |
Sky blue day and relatively warm (55), so we stretched our legs on a connector road called Purgatory. It felt good to ride, though the traffic was a little heavier than I wold have liked. The road was typical Texas Hill country, up and down like riding in the Palouse, except that when riding in the Palouse there is a panorama of rolling wheat fields. Down here, the view is always through barbed wire into crooked live oak trees. Occasionally, there is a metal gate signifying the entrance to another ranch, but as for view riding not so much. The pavement is good and the drivers are considerate, which is good because they don't make roads any wider than necessary in Texas. We did see a little red tailed fox that scurried back into the cactus underbrush as soon as it became aware of us. Back at the trailer, we set up our lights under the awning so that we can be ready to party when our guests arrive in Austin. It won't be long now, and I feel the anticipation little kids must feel as Christmas approaches. The only sour note I can report is that the wily cager continues to be dealt outrageous hands, both in her regular hand and in her crib. Her lead might just be insurmountable unless I can win early tomorrow morning. Right now she leads 10-7 with just one day to play. If she wins the Potter Creek Open, the overall series will be tied. The real insult is that she has given me an extra deal (She sometimes forgets whose crib it is). I let her (Is that cheating?), but so what, she still beats me like an egg. She may have cracked my spirit. At the very least she has scrambled any notion I may have had about being a superior card player. She cackles, "Oh, this game is so easy; I'm not yolking " That line really poached my albumin and heated my protein to a coagulable state. In fact, my temperature rose so much, I felt hard boiled and quite humorless. Enough of this eggs ageration. Suffice it to say, I'm basting in my own soft boiled juices, hollowed out and bedeviled, but even at that, life is good especially today.
I tried to catch her sleight of hand while she shuffled the deck, but she was too wily cagey for me.
I feel like the eggs on this salt block.
While she was a chirpy as these bread chicks.
And to think, I cooked this omelet for her.
It did make her grin (That's a good thing.).
Purgatory Road: good ride, especially since it's not hot enough to fry eggs.
This is a typical side view while riding in the hill country.
The view this evening from our living room was much more pleasant.
Come on down and join the party! It's happening at the Pecan Grove in Austin. We'll leave the light on for ya'.
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