Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Adventure 414: Fracless Day Four

The view from Douglas' living room
After a warm sendoff by the Hooley Clan, we were once again blessed with traveling mercies. While rainy for much of the day, the roads held traction nicely and we arrived safely at my cousin's condo in Park City, and as is his want, he treated us royally. We went to lunch at at a local Park City distillery that not only makes excellent whisky, but also serves a well prepared lunch. I didn't try the whisky, but the Reuben Judy and I shared was excellent. After lunch, we toured the Park City museum, which for today only, was free. We then took a small driving tour of the ski area, which despite the rain was filled with tourists from all over the world. Just at lunch I heard melodic Spanish and soothing French emanating from nearby tables. Back at the condo, I was victorious in the first cribbage game of our visit. We then took naps until dinner (Life is tough; retired people need to rest). Douglas baked a large  filet of halibut that he caught last summer in Alaska, accompanied by a bowl of roasted vegetable seasoned with fine herbs. For dessert we had ice cream smothered with huckleberries picked last summer at Priest Lake. Joan, Douglas' sister, and another of my cousins, joined us for dinner. It's always good when the three of us get together because the banter most often returns in some way to our childhood. In this case, one of the talks was food that we grew up with. Last month, Douglas and Joan went to visit our uncle who lives in a suburb South of Salt Lake. They spent the whole day with Uncle Butch teaching them how to make a sweet cake we call Potica. It's a kind of Easter bread made of sweet dough filled with walnuts, raisins, sugar and cinnamon. It's rolled into a log and formed into a circle, buttered, and baked until brown. My mother used to make it, and all of my aunties knew how as well. That event led us from one memory to another, which filled the evening with laughter. We also played a few games of cribbage. Judy and I won two of three because truth be known, Joan plays without the true intention the rest of us take in the game. That made for some laughs as well. After leaving the warmth of the Hooley Clan, it just keeps getting better. I enjoy my time with these two as they are some of my very dearest family members. It reminded me once again that life is good, and that I'm very possibly the luckiest man alive, especially today.

Boot Camp report: No alcohol; very little exercise; another round of good food. 

 Pat and Tom Losser sent us on our way with a hearty breakfast of ground red wheat topped with canned plums and milk.
 Loey and and Judy said their goodbyes.
 The road beckoned us.
 And this excellent version of  the classic Reuben warmed us at the High West distillery.
 Art shot of the day: The rainbow reflection off of Douglas's Tesla.

 My Bunny getting ready to learn some Park City history.
 Douglissimo preparing dinner.
 Evidence of my victory is the furthest black peg.
 Douglas opening wine for his sister Joan. I drank Boot Camp water while Douglas and Judy enjoyed Kambucha.
 Let the giggling begin. So says Judy and Joan.
 Simple, yet delicious dinner.
And huckleberries Oh, so sweet.

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