The Wiley Cager and I hit the road this morning for the first leg of our trip to Little Eden Camp in Michigan. The nine hour drive gave us time to reflect on the highlights of the past few weeks. In sum, during the last few weeks we dashed over to Seattle to see Kevin Glover graduate from medical school (Kevin lived with us for four years and has become a close friend). As part of the proud grandparent crew (Rick and Nita, Justin's parents, cheered too.) we cheered Falcon on as he completed his first year of BMX bicycle racing. I got a special treat when Judy was in Kansas on her sisters tour. I got to take Flacon for the day. He helped me take the sailboat out of petticoats, and he got his first lesson as a helmsman. Great fun. Finally, My son, Steve, and I visited grave sights on Memorial Day. Afterwards, we had a nice meal at a place called Hangry's (No irony there). Other than that, life continues apace at the Perch. Safe to say, life is good. As for our first leg to Little Eden, the weather was perfect, the traffic was light, and the generous Montana speed limit sped us along nicely. We're snuggled in now at a cute Air B&B that is a converted back end of a stately Billings, Montana home. Because of the full kitchen capabilities, we enjoyed a fine dinner of steamed King salmon, asparagus, salad, and a pleasant bottle of Oregon Pinot Grigio. We topped it off with a square of chocolate, and an episode of the sickly sweet series, Heartland, which of course we love. I mean who doesn't love a predictable happy ending. If only life....but wait a minute...who am I kidding: Life IS good, especially today.

No small feat to graduate from medical school. Way to go, Kevin!
While not summer yet, the unsettled Spokane weather does provide some beauty.
All smiles on the road again. Cheers.
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