Monday, June 24, 2024

Adventure 918: A View from the Perch-Little Eden Camp/31

Another full day at camp started with a breakfast of Semel, fresh from the oven smothered with strawberry jam topped with a slab of cheddar, and for a special treat, a couple of added chunks of fresh fried bacon. There are few better ways to start a day. After breakfast, the young adults chased their children around, spelled of course by willing grandmas and anxious aunties. I went to morning devotions to understand more of Johnny Crist's world view. His message today centered on reading the bible every day as a way to search for truth and as a counter to the tremendous force of the cancel culture he sees facing Christians today. It's interesting to hear such intensely loaded language such as all out "war" and "Satan". I'm left with questions about whose interpretation of the scripture is considered the truth, and to what extent sacrifices will be made in the name of righteous battle, But the suggestion that wisdom can be gained by reading the bible on a daily basis isn't, on the face of it, a bad thing, so I'm on a personal search to find a place of common ground. I'm constantly amazed by otherwise good people taking a stance that is so blatantly unforgiving and intolerant all in the name of Christ. It seems incongruent. I'm eager to hear what else Johnny has to offer. After morning devotion, Karen and I removed the stitches from Judy's eyelid, a result of her MOS surgery last week. We were wildly successful, and the doctor's skill is evident. She'll be left with a hardly visible scar. In the afternoon we took a bit of Rod Franz's ashes out onto the lake to the exact spot where he caught his big bass last year on the day before he got sick. It was a beautiful gesture that include singing by Jonathan. Not a dry eye in the house. The thirty somethings left camp for a nice dinner out. We enjoyed baked chicken and vegetables prepared by Karen. After dinner, we topped the evening off around the fire with Luther and Mary Ann. They served S'MORES and warm companionship. It was a nice ending to a nice day, and once again helped us gratefully realize that life is good, especially today.

Jonathan singing. The line I remember: "Listen to our hearts."

Judy and Karen, remembering Rod.

A little bit of Rod joining the fish.

Before stitch removal.

After stitch removal.

Grandma and Grandpa watching the kids during "date" night.

Date night photos (Sadly, missing Micah).

Kate and Scott

Around the campfire at Luther's. Alden checking out for the evening.

Kel Babe served as heading "mellow" roaster.

Karen and Mary Ann waving bye to the young ones.


The truth is out there somewhere. I'm convinced people are more alike than they're different. I pray daily for all of us to soften our hearts.

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