Sunday, May 12, 2024

Adventure 912: A View from the Perch/25

We've been home a little over a month. I stand by my belief that there's no reason to be in Spokane in April as it proved damp, cold, windy, and gray. But memories are as short as they need to be, so now just two days from my 73rd birthday, Spokane's May flowers and bright skies are warming my spirit. Much news, mostly good. Grandson Falcon has begun his BMX bicycle racing career. He's fearless and eager, and as soon as his skill matches his enthusiasm he'll be a force to recon with. Judy has her fingers in her garden bed, both here at Rockwood and at church so she's shining like new braces on crooked teeth. I've continued my volunteering at Shalom where we feed members of Spokane's homeless community. I stand amazed and thank the Lord with a prayer, "There but for the grace of God go I." I also had hernia surgery, which went well, but requires a bit of restraint until I heal. This past weekend I made a trip to Centralia (My first teaching post) to help celebrate Coach Brown's 90th  birthday. I have great affinity for the coaches and players I worked with during that time. I hold Coach Brown in special esteem. I also visited my brothers and sister. We enjoyed a lunch, some chit-chat, and a bit of celebration for our late mother. Here at the Perch, we've settled back in with our friends, made some newer friends, and thank our lucky stars for our lot in life to which we say, "Life is good, especially today."

That's Falcon in the red. He races with other four year olds.

That's grandpa Rick and Mimi Nita on the fence cheering Falc's on.

Coach Brown and his bride, Janet, enjoying the fanfare of the birthday.
Coach Brown, Coach Gilmore, and Coach Mollerstuen, each man a gift to kids and to me.

I made pasta with garlic shrimp for Mother's Day dinner.

Here's my happy Mother.

My brother, Tom, donated some Rhododendrons to help Judy celebrate.

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