Thursday, June 27, 2024

Adventure 921: A View from the Perch-Little Eden Camp/34

Time moves ever on, and everything changes, especially the weather. It was so chilly this morning that we snuggled under the covers until nearly eight, four hours late for Judy, and a couple hours late for me. Despite the chilly night, the day proved warm and sunny, and refreshingly absent of humidity, bugs, stress, or despair. I mean the only sounds that can be heard around here are chortles of joy from the children, soft babbles of conversation from the women, and the constant lap of lake waves onto the the shore. I guess that's why they call it Little Eden. The big event of the day was Micah catching a perch, otherwise known as "Moby". It was nice for the fisherman to break their maiden. I'm sure on tonight's foray, they'll pull in more fish that the Apostles after Jesus joined them. The rest of the day, we filled the time with card games, puzzles, snacking, lunch, snacking, chatter, baby watching (mostly Nora), and other forms of general lackadaisical behavior. I mean what is camp for if it's not for idle pursuits. And of course, tradition was honored when we stood in line for the famous Thursday night BBQ chicken, which, if my bloated belly is any indication, acquitted itself quite well. So, even though I can barely see my fingers over my distended belly as I type this blog, I must say that life is good, especially today.

Addendum: Johnny Crisp was called back to Atlanta, so there will be no devotional message tonight. I much appreciated listening this week. His viewpoint served to help clarify my own thinking. For that I'm grateful, and perhaps surprisingly, there were some places of agreement. In that there is hope.

After dinner, we took a little walk in the woods behind camp. The woods here are hardwood, mostly oak, and nearly all deciduous. Much different from the forests back home.

Chicken on the grill.

The line to get chicken.

Luther and Mary Ann taking their place in the chicken line.

Nora Jane having a laughing fit.

Our neighbor, Ed, showing us that there are indeed fish in the lake.

The chicken BbQ crew.

All are welcome in the city of Atlanta.

Maybe just enough for a small perch taco.

The waterfront.

Nora, having another fit.
Micah filleting his perch.
What? Another fit, Nora.
Grandpa and Wes assembling the bi-plane.

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