Saturday, June 29, 2024

Adventure 922: A View from the Perch-Little Eden Camp-Homeward Bound/35

We bid good by to our family with hugs and tugs just before 7 A.M. this morning. A good week was had by all. We made it to the Ludington Ferry (SS Badger) with time to spare, and joined a couple hundred of our newest friends for a peaceful sail across Lake Michigan. Contrary to the forecast, it didn't rain. In fact, some blue sky peeked out from the clouds, and by the time we got to Manitowac, it was sunny, hot, and humid. Our car came out early from the ferry and we were on the road by 12:15. We took a route through Green Bay and then the Twin Cities, The Green Bay leg was painless. The Minneapolis not so much. Stuck in a bumper to bumper 80 MPH flow, it was more stressful than I like (I am retired, after all). But no old man mumbling allowed, and certainly no day dreaming. Driving required purpose. Fortunately, I'm passively aggressive enough to survive in such an environment. We cruised safely into St. Cloud right at 6 P.M. We're now snuggled in to our hotel watching the Olympic trials and awaiting the next leg of our journey.

I read Richard Rohr's post every day as part of my morning devotion. Today's post talked about crying as a way to connect with God, something not so admired if you're a man in our culture. Part of today's challenge was to write a lament, much like the writers of the Psalms. Mine is below.

My Lament

God of truth and grace,

I cry aloud to you, that You may hear me.

How long, O Lord, will You forget the needy?

How long will You allow the rich to ride the backs of the poor? 

How long will You suffer unjust wars, immoral men, and ill placed motives?

How long will You tolerate lies, half-truths, and propaganda to dominate the narrative?

How long will You accept self-righteous humans judging one another?

How long will You hide Your face from the faithful?

How long will You endure dark hearted cruelty?

How long  must we wait for Your promise to be fulfilled?

Consider and answer me, O Lord my God.

Give light to my eyes so that I may witness Your plan.

Give rise to my spirit so that I may meet each day praising Your magnificence.

Give me hope that I may be worthy of Your kingdom.

Give me strength that I may live a life pleasing in Your presence.

Give me patience that I may humbly accept Your sweet time.

Give me an answer to this prayer, or I may sleep the sleep of death.

Because, O Lord, 

I trust Your steadfast love.

My heart longs for Your salvation.

And my will forever rejoices in Your service.

S.S. Badger, coal smoke awaiting departure.

Good bye Michigan, hello Wisconsin.

Fun facts.

Ukulele Man entertained on the sail over.

On the road again, Willie.

A good week for the sisters.

A distinctive week for the adults.

Until we meet again.

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