Saturday, June 22, 2024

Adventure 916: A View from the Perch-Little Eden Camp/29

We dilly-dallied in the land of Yep (Is everything OK? "YEP", Yoose ("YOOSE guys have a nice day now."), and Yooper (That's what we call ourselves around here) until about seven this morning. Then we walked to B's Country Cafe for breakfast. Because of the light drizzle we wore our raincoats. Because of the promise of torrential rain, we carried the umbrella. The rain did not disappoint. We walked back nicely soaked, and drove all day through the driving rain. While visibility was poor, the drive itself was uneventful. We arrived safely at Little Eden Camp around 4:45. Most of the crew was already engaged in unpacking the cars. I helped Kel Babe launch his boat, squared things away in our cabin (The Mosey Inn). For dinner, we went into town for Mexican food, and by the time we got back the kettle corn was popping down by the water in the cauldron powered by a roaring wood fire. The well trained campers lined up for a bag of the sweet treat, and everyone reacquainted themselves for another great family week. Fortunately, the rain held off for most of the evening, but the leading edge of the next storm ruffled the lake with white caps. There's promise of rain all night with the weather clearing beginning tomorrow. The spirit here is joyful. Lots of dads, moms, kids, and grandparents. Everyone seems glad to be here, and why not. Life here is surely good, especially today.

B's Country Cafe, a good place as it should be. Veggie omelet with hash browns and raisin toast: $7.50. With two coffees, the total bill came to $10.50.

Couldn't see the water in the driving rain when we crossed the Mackinaw Bridge.

Miss Karen enjoying the sights and sounds.

Papa Kel and Alden.
Papa Kel and Scott.

The popcorn crew.

Mimi Karen with Alden and Wes in full motion.

Selfie of the day: Just outside the Mosey Inn.

The Mosey Inn: Our luxury accommodation for the week.

Alden warming up to Aunt Judy. Kate approving.

Wes watching his stick float down the creek.

Nora Jane assessing dinner.

While she's not pictured, Nora conversing with Aunt Judy.

Enter only all who would share peace and joy.

And yes there will be food.

And yes there will be joy.

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