Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Adventure 820: Day 43/Tucson/2023

We sent Ross and Dinah off with full stomachs and warm hearts. They scampered out to their friend, Glenda's for an extension on their trip. Good friends. Good timing. Liz, Judy and I went out to Sweetwater Preserve and got in a 2.5 mile hike before the rains came. They came, cold and hard. And then a frosty mist. The plants loved it. It's supposed to be unsettled and rainy tomorrow as well. It will make for a spectacular bloom in the coming weeks. I hope we get to see some. After the hike, we ate lunch, cleaned the house, and watched a wrenching widower movie called The Intern. Robert DeNiro is fabulous. We topped the night off with roasted asparagus, leftover bean confit, and Tim Chee Soup. We're also wondering how much rain it takes for the water to flow in the Riollito. Time will tell. Meanwhile, we've begun to talk about the furnishings in our new place. We're worried we've exaggerated the space in our minds. So, if the sky breaks its watery eggs over us tomorrow, we'll just make a window shopping omelet out of  it. We'll venture back to the Copenhagen Furniture store just for fun and with a new eye at lessening the furniture foot print in our new place. We won't really know until we do the walk through when we get home. In the meantime, life is good, especially today.

Popcorn and a movie on a rainy day.

Early morning walk caught sight of these two brothers, on upright, the other a bit curly.

The rain pours, almost falls off the flat roofs.

A person wouldn't want to be caught unprepared in the desert.We're thankful to have warm shelter.
Moe thin gruel.
Saguaros and Palo Verdes have symbiotic relationships, but this is carrying it a bit far.

The desert getting ready to welcome the rain.

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