Sunday, February 19, 2023

Adventure 818: Day 41/Tucson/2023

We had a crowd for dinner. We all contributed to make fresh ground corn tortillas with bbq'd skirt steak, pineapple salsa, bean confit, rice flavored with achiote paste, and bbq'd pineapple rounds. Very yummy if I do say so myself. After dinner as we slurped down our liquor laced ice cream, the table talk ranged from movies to dreams. Laughter ensued. Notes were taken on new movies to watch, and every one seemed satisfied. That's what good friendships are all about. It is so joyous to have our best buddies gathered together. Seems like old times. And if you're like me, you've lost contact with some people you were once close to just because life got in the way. For example, we had the pleasure of connecting last Christmas with my former tennis doubles partner. There was a time in our lives where we saw each other four times a week, or more. When we stopped playing tennis, our time together became the cliche every time we bumped into each other. We say, "We really have to get together,  yada, yada." In the case of Judy and Deb-they taught together as a team for more than twenty years, so their connection is a sisterly, the kind where the deepest secrets are shared. We've had much the same powerful connections with Liz, Ross, Dinah, David and Ginny. My point is obvious. Strong, lasting relationships make life good, especially today.

Ross working the tortilla press.

Deb and Liz working the current puzzle.

Ginny and Judy talking about their "Mother's hands.

Dinah frying up a plantain for a pre-dinner snack.

Deb gearing up for the tortilla making party.

Part of the fun is the natural mingling we do. Everyone finds time and space to chat.

Dinah and Ginny sharing a moment.

Ross and Ed, pouring over Google Maps, planning their routes back home.

Ginny and Judy almost always meet this way.

David and Ed practicing the art of elaboration.

The night's thin gruel.

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