Thursday, February 6, 2020

Adventure 574: White Tank Regional Park/Post A

Last Sunset at Cave Creek
I've always felt that people are more alike than they are different. I've added evidence to that notion by reading Elaine Pagels' book, Why Religion?. Elaine, a religious scholar, was recommended to me by my friend, the Great Guru (Dr. Kenney-philosphy and religion teacher at Eastern Washington University). The book in large part is a cathartic expose on the death of her son and her husband, but in that catharsis she searches for truth, a way to heal her heart. She notes that cultures and peoples throughout the ages have searched for the same thing as they sought to answer the reason for human suffering. She discovers that our Christian culture often ask us to suppress our anger, emphaisize our guilt, and wallow in the depths of despair. She does that for while, but in the end, she agrees with the author of an ancient text in that '...people who lack the sense of connection with others, and with the source of all being, if in a nightmare. On the other hand, when we recognize how connected we are with one another, and with "all beings", we may say from the heart that,  "You are the perfect day; in you dwells the light that does not fail." Recognizing this impels us to act in ways that acknowledge those connections: "speak the truth with those who search for those who have stumbled, and extend your hands to those who are ill. feed those who are hungry; give rest to the weary...strengthen those who wish to rise; and awaken those who are asleep". Basically, everyone who is alive has suffered at one time or another, but suffering is not a punishment, it's merely a condition of being human. This message struck, not only because of our current leaders (who I feel) are "asleep in their power", but also because I've experienced a bit of suffering in my own life. This makes me nothing special; rather, it helps me become aware that I am a part of the magnificent whole, just one bag of atoms among many, but still connected, this means that life is truly good, especially today.

 My Bunny checking the level of the trailer.
 Saguaro of the day.
 Falcon wakes up happy, seemingly every day.

Frac's new home for the next ten days: White Tank Family Campsite #1.

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