We feel like pioneers. |
Once again, traveling mercies granted us safe passage from one space to the next. We left the Ellsworth Resort around ten-thirty after watching a recorded version of the Zags game with San Francisco. They won, but it took quite an effort to overcome the over sixty percent three point shooting show the Dons put on. The road away from Lake Havasu south follows the lake through roller coaster like terrain about thirty miles to Parker, AZ. From there, a short cut through the bleakness of the desert connected us to I-10 where we had to play with the big dogs (Semis) and the busy weekend traffic. Thankfully, things went quite well and once again Susie GPS proved flawless. We are currently parked in "overflow" at the Covered Wagon RV Park, which means we're on the pavement next to the shower house with our power cord looped around some hooks so it can be connected to the outlet on the wall. I decided to use house water instead of running our hose in front of the two doors leading to the showers. Hopefully, tomorrow there will be a spot for us to occupy for the month. If not, we'll bump up the road eight or ten miles to parks a bit more expensive. We don't care so much about that as being centrally located. Phoenix is such a sprawling place, a guy can spend half a life time just commuting to life events. Right now, we're about sven miles from Jim and Rita and about five miles from the Tai Chi Dojo. The Covered Wagon RV Park is an old property tucked away in a workingman's neighborhood. Time has passed it a little, and most of the thirty sites are long term residents. The ladies working the place work hard, are immensely friendly, and are more than helpful. We'll hope that our host can juggle enough space for us to stay. We'll see. After setup, I walked Stumpy about two miles around the neighborhood (Basically to the store and back). She's a bit sore and stiff, but we've been nearly inert as we lounged at the Ellsworth Resort for the last two days. If you saw the picture of her yesterday lounging on the boat, you'll get the picture. As soon as we get settled, I'll turn back into a physical terrorist. We didn't even play one game of cards in Lake Havasu, and we're so bleeping old we can't remember who is ahead in the series, so we'll be just like two gold fish who are surprised every time they swim down to see the castle-we'll just start new. On the way back from the store, we both marveled at the softness of the warm winter night here in Phoenix. It has a restorative nature, which probably explains why so many humanoids occupy the place. As for me, I'm about to walk the two steps to the just cleaned shower room to take a shower. It's a first world pleasure that reminds me that life is good, especially today.
This passed for landscaping at the Arizona rest stop along I-10, but it was one up on California because it was open.
Frac's site at the Covered Wagon: Laundry room door in the background.
Shower room just behind (I decided to remove the water hose). When Judy asked if the shower rooms were uni-sex, the gal cleaning them replied, "There is even a soft curtain between the shower heads in case you both want to shower at the same time."
Fric has a parking spot in front of a camper who only visits a few times a year.
The view from our veranda (If we had one).
The tidy, well tended little pool is mere steps from our bedroom window.
It even sports its own palm tree.
One walking adventure we'll take is to see what's on the other side of this bridge that spans I-17.
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