Sunday, February 26, 2023

Adventure 825: Day 48/Tucson/2023

We woke up to pouring rain. By the time we left church the sun was out. By the time we finished lunch with Mark and Anita Gingrich, it was warm. By the time the Kral's picked us up to go to a performance Of Haydn's Creation, the day had taken on its normal Tucson charm. Even though it's been cooler than normal, just a little sunlight warms the desert and all of us creatures bask like little chicks in an incubator. I'd never heard Haydn's Creation before, but WOW! 

The piece was first performed publicly on March 19, 1799 at the Burg theater in Vienna. It's a song, poem, scripture of praise and love for the things the Lord has created. It's basically a story of Eden without he snake. It's interesting because in terms of context, the world was crumbling in chaos during this time. Napoleon was trying to conquer the world. America was embroiled in "quasi wars". Coups were at the forefront in several nations around the world. I can see that a man of Haydn's sensibility would think that the only answer is divine love. It says in the theater notes that "Hayden was a religious man who preferred his faith to be cheerful and optimistic rather than moralistic and guilt ridden. Mentions of temptation, a fall from grace, or other evils are conspicuously missing from the Creation in favor of a comforting depiction of  heavenly affection and warmth." I must admit there is merit to spending life with a loving companion, and maybe it's a good bet to believe in a loving God. I definitely love the idea of keeping the snake out of it. And that's the part I loved best about the Creation. Right before the end, after Adam and Eve have professed their undeniable love for each other and for the joys the Lord has created, Uriel recites a warning.

"O happy pair, and happy evermore, let not desire convince you both that you want more than you have, and know much more than you should."

I think Haydn might be on to something. Be grateful for what is given. Keep desire in check. Stay humble. Enjoy because life is good, especially today.

The symphonic band, the choir, and the soloists take a bow.

The ride home midst the glorious evening shadows.

Pumpkin pie, whipped cream.

Just a thrown together dinner at the Kral's after the concert.

Bread broken with loving friends is hard to beat. 

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