Sunday, February 5, 2023

Adventure 804: Day 27/Tucson/2023

Not much to report as its Sunday, the day of rest. Basically, that's what we did. We took Leticia and Falcon to Southside Presbyterian Church, our adopted home for worship. Because it was mortgage burning day, the service was packed. And once again, the spirit of the place flowed over me like sunlight. This congregation has a few traditions I've not seen or experienced.  First of all, visitors are welcomed warmly. Church members make it a point to seek new people out with a smile and a greeting. At the beginning of the service, visitors are asked to stand and introduce themselves so that people in the church can call them by name when they greet them. Something else. While many churches include passing of peace, mostly it's turn around in your pew and give a half hearted limp fish handshake to the person behind you. It's different at Southside. Here, the entire congregation mingles and meanders around the sanctuary until every one has touched hands in peace with everyone else. The whole process takes about twenty minutes, and it's part of the reason the service isn't on a strict time schedule. Presbyterians serve communion once a month. At Southside, church members come up to the altar like Catholics to partake in the body and blood of Christ, but everyone holds onto their full cup until the whole congregation is served, and then they drink the blood (grape juice like every where else) of Christ as one. Amazing grace. Unfortunately, we didn't get to stay for the after church party and potluck. Leticia wrenched her back lifting Falcon, and was in such excruciating pain, we had to take her home to recover. So we spent the day lounging after that, although Leticia recovered enough by late afternoon that she, Mimi, and Falcon took a walk around the neighborhood, which means hiking through the arroyos that separate the houses around here. It's been a good week and it's not over yet. TC and the Falc don't head home until Tuesday, so more adventure is in store for us, and you all know that means life is good, especially today.

Falc, fresh from the hot tub.

Mimi down for the count during movie time.

Falc styling the other day at the Gem Show.

Mimi teaching Falc some of her card tricks.

I think one of them is sleight of hand.

If you don't see this little guy like this, then he's running and jibber-jabbering like a bubbling well.

Art shot of the day: Another "Air Planter".

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