Friday, November 29, 2013

Adventure 55: Manhattan, KS/Post L

Frac's last  night, emblazoned by Christmas lighting
Judy's cousin, Jean Wiens, wrote us an e-mail this morning wishing us safe travel and thanking us for helping get the family together a few weeks back. Since the blog has been dominated by the food pictures, she's taken to calling it: Fric, Frac, and Food. (I think she's adding calories just reading the thing). Regardless, we did enjoy a fabulous Thanksgiving, and two weeks of traditional foodstuff along with some excellent repasts. Today is to be our last day in Manhattan. I rode my bike, but forgot the camera, so you'll find no documented proof. Judy and Karen began replacing the fall decorations with the Christmas trimmings. Rod raked leaves, and he guided me to Tuttle Creek where I emptied Frac's tanks. Tomorrow we're off to Independence, Kansas (Elk City State Park) and from there to Vinita, OK the next day. Vinita has been on our itinerary since the beginning of our trip because it is the location of the Clanton Cafe, which is reported to have the best chicken fried steak, fried liver fingers, and banana custard pie anywhere! We read about the Clanton Cafe in Savuer magazine. The glossy pictures in the magazine made us drool, so I hope the place lives up to our hype. While in Vinita, we'll find a church for Sunday service (We haven't been Baptists yet), and then we'll head down to Center City to do some volunteer cooking for the Mennonite disaster relief (tornado) project. We'll spend most of next week helping however we can. (We enjoy cooking almost as much as eating). After that, who knows? Our time in Manhattan has suddenly come to an end. We'll all suffer through some withdrawal moments tomorrow. One daily event I haven't mentioned doesn't involve food. It's been a nightly card game called Hollywood Gin. It's a mind numbing game that I taught Rod and Karen the last time they came west. Judy and I learned it from my Dad. He used to play it on his lunch break way back when he was running computer payroll programs in Portland. We've played it on every visit to my folks for years. Karen loves the game, and to be honest it is fun. During our time here, everyone won at least one game, much giggling ensued, several groans of disappointment rumbled from beneath the table (But that could have been the Tryptophan effect), and of course there were chortles of glee from the winner.  I'm sure every family has some game that acts as a bonding exercise. Surely, fun is had by all. One thing has struck me of late. It's worth it to connect with family and friends. So reach out and call someone; you'll be glad you did. To emphasize the importance, Judy's Aunt Elizabeth died this morning (age 92). She was her father's last living sister. We just visited her in Garden City on November 12. Though she was confined to her wheel chair, she appeared sharp. I wouldn't have predicted her life to end in twenty days. I do believe, and have always preached that "No one is promised tomorrow". That is why I continue to say, "Life is good, especially today."
 Hollywood Gin, but really just a mind numbing chance to giggle (Is it two sets and one run or one set and two runs?). 
 Karen, whose talent rivals any interior designer, loves to decorate for the season. Fall's bounty gives way to the unveiling of the Christmas promise.
 Sleds, skates, pine cones, and chestnuts: Warm fire anyone?

 The sisters made bread so we can pack Fric with "road" food. 
 They also dried fruit and prepared Peppernuts to be sent to friends and kids.
 OK, where is the mouse who ate these? This jar was full of Peppernuts just two days ago. (I only ate two!)

 Tonight after the Hollywood Gin game, I enjoyed a delightfully decadent slice of pumpkin pie topped with chocolate dessert. (This is living! Watch it grow.)

  Let's see. Back to the garage buffet for Thanksgiving leftovers, or off the the local Mexican joint. Can you say Fajita?

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