Sunday, September 27, 2020

Adventure 633: Franz Dome/Post G

Judy and I were in charge of breakfast. We prepared one of our favorite Mario Batali dishes: Eggs poached in homemade tomato sauce served over crunchy sourdough bread, and smothered with fresh parmesan cheese and basil.

Kansas locals say, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes." I'm not sure about the five minutes, but yesterday's high was 95; today poured enough rain to bubble like witches' stew down Sunset Avenue. Lightning flashed, over an inch fell, and the temperature didn't break fifty. Rain, much needed in this area, was welcomed. Karen thanked the Lord for it during morning prayers, and we all just hunkered down, safe and sound in the comfy confines of the Franz's warm house. Church services came over zoom. Today's emphasis was on sharing. Judy and I listened off camera, and I was struck by the fact that the zoom experience lent itself to genuinely emotive sharing. It seemed as if people got things "off their chests". Communion was individually served by each and every member of the congregation to him or herself, and by the end of the service I was uplifted, much as I wish I felt after every church service. Of course, after church we watched football. The professionals play on Sunday. I, of course, have no dogs in any fight, and since the Chiefs don't play until tomorrow night, Rod simply cheered for the teams who could do the Chiefs the most good. In the afternoon, we played cards (As is our won't). Judy was the big winner. At least one more game is likely to be played tonight. And for all of our blessings, we're gratefully thankful that life is good, especially today.

Oh, and puzzle time occurred. Puzzle number three.
The afternoon's big winner.

Rain put a hindrance on practicing the form today.
Karen, grinning-perhaps because she was served breakfast instead of serving.

Evidence of  a Kansas thunderstorm. 
Falcon photo of the day: Who can stop the rain?
More evidence: standing water UNDER the tree.
Coco isn't big fan of thunder.

Our luncheon feast-Miss Karen back on duty.

Art shot of the day: Soft remembrance of another day lived well.

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