Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Adventure 501: International Gift Sale on the Launching Pad

Made in God's Image
An 8 A.M. start found us off loading the last three pallets of merchandise for this year's sale. After a full day of unboxing, pricing, and arranging, all we had left was the anxious overnight wait to open the doors. Fair Trade. Justice. FairPlay. What outlandish concepts. The idea of fair trade is a trading partnership based on dialogue, transparency and respect that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers. Fair trade participants follow ten principles:

1. Create opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers.
2. Be transparent and accountable 
3. Establish fair trading practices.
4. Pay a fair price.
5. Ensure no abuse of labor or forced child labor.
6. Commit to non discrimination, gender equality, and freedom of association.
7. Ensure good working conditions.
8. Provide means for capacity building.
9. Promote fairness for fair trade everywhere.
10. Respect the environment.
11. No calling people "horseface".

Not really that last one, but fair is fair to all, not just the legally powerful, not just those interested in winning at all costs, and for sure not just those who've deemed themselves more important. Fair trade is really about three words: Justice for all. In the meantime, those of us trying to encourage the better angels in our nature will continue to believe that life is good, especially today.
 The first of the last boxes off the truck. Lyman and Tom supervising.
 No mas.
 Let the unboxing begin!
 A crew of fourteen shared the work.
 My domain was sorting plastic, bubble wrap, shredded paper, cardboard, and recyclable paper. Oh, and stacking boxes. Any item unsold by sale's end must be repacked, so it helps to have things at the ready.
 Judy worked to make the "Garden Room" presentable.
 Here she is still standing after a twelve hour shift.
 She had some help. Loey arranged this "kitty" corner.
 The real work happens in the "Christmas Room" where the items are ever so tiny. 
 Oh my!
 Christmas before Halloween. Really?

The doors open tomorrow at nine. Sell Baby, sell.

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