Adventure 594: Jalama Beach/Post C
Dance often. |
Just another day in paradise. We're enjoying a nice high pressure ridge which means warm air, light wind, and the most pleasant of California dreaming. We didn't do much today but walk the beach picking up little rocks. We walked a little over 6.5 miles. I spent much of the day bending wire into little art works. As usual, it's marginal art, but it's quite relaxing to watch the birds ride the breeze, to listen to the ocean roar to the shore, and to revel in the graces of my life. The only sad part is that one special grace in my life, "The Wiley Cager", skunked me in our morning game, which caused me so much consternation in my soul I just about dove into the rip tide to mingle with the other half shells. We'll be leaving Jalama just in time because the weather is about to change this weekend, bringing winds up to forty miles an hour. Fortunately, we'll be a bit North in Morro Bay, which is just another part of the California paradise. So really, if a change in the weather is my only complaint, life must be truly good, especially today.

Selfie of the day.
New night. Same result.
Wisdom of the day.
Life is for the birds.
If you find yourself despairing, remember things take a long time to wear down.
Tai Chi man, side kicking.
I'm trying to use beach materials to secure the figures. This is driftwood man.
Most people around here spend their days "hanging ten".
"Take me, Pop Pops, I'll be a surfer Dude."
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