Adventure 593: Jalama Beach State Park/Post B
Life is good. |
Wow! what a a day! I rode twenty eight miles to highway one and back. I climbed in low gear all the way, but the return vibrated my teeth out at screaming speeds near forty. Sadly, the road was as unreliant as the California tax system. For lunch, Judy and I enjoyed our world famous Jalama burger, which held marginally up to its reputation. We then walked the beach in search of rocks capable of holding my wire sculptures. It was all good. In the afternoon sun we talked with our neighbors for awhile. On the one side we enjoyed a young family, much like Steve and Bonnie who live just north of San Diego. Life long Californians, they're hard working small business people in favor of President Trump. On the other side, we have Cheryl and Gary, basically bay area folks who have made it successfully to retirement. Cheryl, a Jewish Princess and a liberal with a titch of self reliance who spouts notions ironically fueled with a flair of Reagon's political success, argued mightily with Tony, a young independent businessman trying to survive in the modern world. Obviously, their politics clashed. Regardless, I felt affinity for both sides. I love Tony's work ethic, and I loved Cheryl's angst at massive injustice. Ultimately, I realized we're more alike than we are different and I found in both views that life is good, especially today.

There's my Bunny.
Cheryl, expounding on the vagaries of the California tax code.
Falcon saying, "What, me worry?"
Tony, a hard working self made man, saying to the government, "Get yourself out of my pocket."
The Jalama burger.
The view from our campsite.
Gary, a master of understatement , playing the puppeteer.
Selfie of the day.
The view from Cheryl and Gray's trailer. Not that bad.
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