Sunday, September 24, 2023

Adventure 887: A View from the Perch/19

The glorious fall weather on Saturday found us at the Rockford, WA parade and fair. One benefit of being retired is that we can do things spontaneously. Our friend, Liz Ulmen, plays trombone in the PJAMERS marching band. She texted us, informing us that she would be marching in the parade.. We had our grandson, Falcon, with us,  which was perfect because the whole event is geared to families and kids. I had never been before, so I couldn't give Falcon any pointers on candy gathering. Before the parade started, a person came by and gave out bags to the kids. As the parade of floats, fire trucks, farm implements, campaign cars, queens and princesses rolled by, they threw handful of candy to the kids. On the first pass, Falcon didn't realize what was going on. He gathered no candy. He caught on quickly, and by the end of the parade he had a fair sized bag of candy in his possession. Afterwards, we went to hear our friend Liz's band play a set, and Falcon went on one ride at the carnival. It was quite fun, and it may become a regular date on our calendar. It was a nice way to realize that life is good, especially today.

What's a parade without cool floats?

Small town wholesome. America at its best.

Sure footed horses carrying old guys. 

And old guys riding hogs.

Fire trucks, old and new, came by ringing their bells and tooting their horns.

The best float had a Wizard of Oz theme. The house that fell on the wicked witch moved up and down (hydraulically) under a swirling tornado. Very cool.

It didn't take Falc long to figure out the candy grabbing.

Liz, all decked out in her dress up gear.

This young lady led the parade. She took her job very seriously.

The PJAMERS rocking.

Finally, this year's queen and her court, showing sheer delight. What fun!

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