Monday, September 20, 2021

Adventure 673: Trailer Ranch RV Resort/Post B

What a difference a day makes! Downtown Santa Fe felt deserted this morning when we drove in to have breakfast at Cafe Pasquals. We first ate at this restaurant some years ago when we were in Santa Fe. It was so good then, we bought their cook book on the spot. Today didn't disappoint. After breakfast, we toured the Loretto Chapel, which is famous for its spiral staircase, a so called miracle. It looked much like any other Catholic Church to me, but perhaps my dissolution with the church has jaded my opinion. The highlight of our day was our stroll through Santa Fe's botanical garden that is sprinkled with native plants and exquisite sculptures. The morning was cool, the light perfect, and the crowd small. I saw several pieces that provided me with inspiration. We also drove through some adobe neighborhoods, always a treat. I just can't get enough of New Mexico's architecture. I'm sure the small houses we saw were priced at astronomical numbers, since they were walking distance from the downtown core. The homes further out, while pleasant in many respects, seemed more like imitations of the quaint structures on the old Santa Fe trail. Regardless, one of our greatest joys on these adventures is to turn off the GPS and wander aimlessly around the area. The perspective of a place, much like the curtain in Wizard of Oz, changes a bit once you get off the beaten path. We randomly looked for a local food truck for lunch, and ended up having a scrumptious lunch at a family owned establishment quite far from the city center. So, in all, it was a very good day. Tomorrow, we will ride hard for four hundred miles to Flagstaff for the night. We'll pray once again for traveling mercies, and be glad that life is good, especially today.

Four tacos: two Carne Asada, two Al Pastor with beans to die for, a roasted jalapeƱo, and guacamole-ten bucks! (Probably three times that downtown.)
Sculptures everywhere.
This covering idea will inspire me to cover our patio.

Stamped metal.
It does seem like folks burning in the flames.
Loved this artist: He had several versions of these suspended glass squares.
The other half of the stamped metal doors that led to another part of the garden.
Green with envy.
This was my favorite piece.
Selfie of the day: A couple of happy campers.

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