Thursday, January 14, 2021

Adventure 645: Casita Living/Post B

Nice day in the desert. We woke up to wispy blue skies, and even though the temperature read freezing, the sun's light warmed our spirits as we sipped our morning coffee. We cobbled together a scrumptious breakfast from the fare we purchased at The Little One Cafe yesterday. I proceeded to submit the Wiley Cager to another ignominious defeat, and as she moaned like a wounded javelina, I gloated like a stupefied lottery winner. I know the fates will punish me for such callous behavior, but for now I'll take it. After breakfast, we took a stroll down the goat path to check out the neighborhood, and while we did, we got an update on the windstorm from daughter, Libby. Power is not expected until Sunday; clean up crews are busy, and Libby arranged to work from her Aunt Rose's house. It all sounds unwanted, but not undoable. Maybe the electric repairs will proceed ahead of schedule. After our walk, we did the form and readied ourselves for our first venture into the Saguaro National Park for a hike. Weather was perfect at just over seventy when we finished after four miles of ogling cactus, breathing fresh air, and basking in the Arizona warmth. We returned to the casita, showered, and enjoyed chips and salsa on the veranda. Needless to say, life is good, especially today.

After a full day, a snack, and a shower, I think I was reading from the back of my eyelids.
It's not true that if you've seen one, you've seen them all.
Here's Curly taking a bow.
Here's Marilyn lifting her skirt.
Poor selfie, but the arms of the cactus in the background curved in the shape of a heart.
Who will the fates favor tomorrow?
Look, don't touch.
This morning's thin gruel.
Stick 'em up, Partner.
Hey, Willy's want to take a walk with us?
The early inhabitants enjoyed this highpoint by carving pictures in the rocks.

The whole hillside is filled with these petroglyphs.
My Bunny, assuring her sister, Karen, that it was truly just two butt dials, and certainly no emergency.

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