Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Adventure 644: Tucson Get Away/Post A

Four months ago, we decided to take a winter respite for ten days in this darling casita in South Tucson. Sometime after, we got "Covid Cold Feet" and tried to change the dates or get a refund. Neither was possible, so this morning we masked up, donned our goggles and flew direct to Phoenix and on to Tucson. There were more people in the Phoenix airport than we anticipated, but most were masked well, though some noses poked out. I saw just two who blatantly held to their "Don't Tread on Me" mantra. We rented a car, ordered pick up groceries, and we'll remain out of human contact for the next ten days with two exceptions: We'll socially distance to see our friends, the Kral's, and we'll do the same to see our niece, Kate and her husband, Scott, who are traveling from the frigid land of Hoosiers for a winter vacation. This little get away casita is nestled just east of the Suguaro  National Park. It's a high budget area with quite a few nice sand, glass, and concrete abodes nestled serenely among the desert flora and fauna. It may be high budget, but the road to get here was rugged dirt, most certainly a javelina trail. I bottomed out once, which is itself disconcerting in a rental car. I didn't think we'd need a jeep. But lucky we are. Libby took us to the airport at 4:45 A.M. By the time we were in the air at 6, winds over 60 mph had pushed up and over Spokane's South bluff downing trees, smashing houses, killing one woman, and causing a power outage that took most of the day to repair. Much of the damage centered on our street of 27th Avenue. It's amazing how capricious Mother Nature is. In the valley where our daughter, Leticia lives, they had very little damage and no loss of power. Here in Tucson, it promises to be in the mid seventies for the next ten days and enough sunshine to inject a Vitamin D glow into even the most dour Northwestern face. Therefore, life is good, especially today.

The view from our veranda.
We couldn't check into the casita until 3 P.M. so we took a short trip to St Xavier Mission, which is closed, unfortunately, due to Covid concerns.
Art shots of the casita's kitchen.
Open shelving provide a clean look.
The bathroom sink deserves mention all its own.
We saw a couple of gorgeous young ladies taking pictures in the afternoon light. I copied one or their shots with my Bunny as the model.
As soon as we got our rental, we motored here for lunch and a load of home cooked dinners.
Tomorrow, we'll enjoy our coffee out here.
Tonight, we rest here.
I wonder about the message of this snake handle on the main door of the mission.
We visited this mission once before. It's filled with intricate art work made of simple elements by tasteful craftsman. Well worth a visit.

I think this is the motto of the republican party. Sad. It's hard to receive the blessing of absolution without admission of sin..."Bless me, Father, for I have sinned...."

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