Monday, May 20, 2019

Adventure 515: Snow Canyon State Park/Post B

The journey is everything. 
The rain rattled off the roof like unwanted thoughts for most of the night. Fortunately, the cool air hovered over us, making our sleep restful. It continued to rain until nearly eleven, so we played two games instead of our normal one. Series tied 1-1. When the sun peeked through around eleven we donned our riding gear and made our way the eight miles to our favorite eating establishment in St. George: Kneader's Bakery and Cafe. Most of the ride was on a wide paved trail. Only the last mile or so was on Bluff Road. But it was worth it. Our club sandwich on country French bread was a sloppy, sensual treat. We also bought a oatmeal raisin cookie and a loaf of hazel nut bread for the road. The ride back, uphill, was pleasant, especially considering the fact that we just missed a sudden squall that dumped a heavy dose of cold rain onto the park. Now, late in the afternoon, it's partly cloudy, cool, with a gentle breeze puffing the soft green sage brush which dots the roadside around here. Purple flowers are beginning to bloom along with a smidgen of red, a little yellow blossom, and of course, the ubiquitous pale green of the sage brush. We see an occasional lizard scurry in the red clay; we hear the call of an occasional bird, but we've seen no rabbits nor any other wildlife today. But once again, we're grateful to be alive, happy to be here, and delighted that life is good, especially today.

 Mopping wet this morning.

 Excellent establishment.
 Club sandwich made with real turkey and real baked ham, all smothered in mayo and mustard, sweet red onion, and leaf lettuce. Yummy.

 If here hands are moving, she's planning her next cagey move.
 Sure, honey, it's all down hill from here.
 These two bronze beauties guard the entrance to the park.
 Just another Utah spectacular.
 This guy was so impressed, he got petrified.
Maybe the most scenic campsite in the park: a first come, first serve tent site.

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