Thursday, May 16, 2019

Adventure 511: Rescuing Frac

1042 miles later, we're safely ensconced in a Hampton Inn in North Las Vegas. Last night we spent a wonderful evening in Twin Falls at Tom and Patty Losser's home. They treated us like royalty, fed us like fattened calves, and otherwise treated us like idols. We also got to see Lois and Sarah Hooley. It's springtime on the farm, so the days are long, the work endless, and the rewards far from sight. The bottom line is Andy, Gary, and Lisa were knee deep in their chores, so regretfully, we didn't get to see them. Our drive both days was uneventful. Hopefully, when we rescue Frac tomorrow, that also will be uneventful and our next adventure will begin. We're calling it the 3R's Tour: Rescue, Restore, Refocus. Stay tuned.

Patty treated us to a fluffy Dutch Baby this morning smothered with home grown peaches and huckleberry syrup.

 We enjoyed all types of weather, including this awesome cloud bank: dark gray edged in white, bordering a bright blue yonder.
 Loey did take the time to show us the fruits of her greenhouse.
 The two gardeners, just itching to get their hands dirty.

Climbing out of Ely, we were met with a fast moving blizzard and water rippling winds. Although the snow shower was brief, the strong winds stayed with us all the way to Vegas.

And, of course, what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas, including the sins inside an In-N-Out.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Triple "R" and enjoy your break. You deserve it! Thanks for all you do.
