Thursday, January 30, 2025

Adventure 944: Day to Day Tucson/57

The last two weeks seem forever blue. I'm talking about the desert sky, of course, and while it's still quite chilly at night, most days arrive on the wisp of endless blue that is oh, so warming to the heart. We've maintained our regular schedule of personal training for Judy, Tai Chi for me, volunteering at the Cross Street food kitchen Mondays and Fridays, and soul cleansing worship at Southside Presbyterian on Sundays. Last week, we enjoyed a leisurely walk among the cacti with Kel and Karen. Afterward, we feasted on a nice lunch and Buendia. Not to be out done, our financial advisor and his wife found themselves servicing clients in Arizona, so we also had a pleasant lunch and chat with them at Tumerico. Maybe those lunch calories are the reason we chose to take a hike up Pima Canyon a couple days ago. Last year, we had to cross water in places. This year, the creek bed is bone dry due to the fact that Tucson has seen no  measurable rain since October. That streak ended last night when about a half inch sprinkled the valley. A final bit of news found Judy paying off this month's cribbage debt at the Raging Sage Coffee Shop. She was glad to see this month go, and hopes for a steady change of fortunes for next month. In either case, life is still good, especially today.

The saguaros and every other plant in the desert are quite stressed this year.

Hiking buddies: Kel, Karen, Judy, me.

A solitary cactus wren looking for a new condo. Maybe this fat saguaro will fill the bill.

One of our favorite family run spots.

Their motto, alegria, is to meet each day with joy and happiness.

Judy and I shared this deliciously decadent chicken mole.

I like the idea of meeting each morning with hope, joy, and happiness.

Saturday morning Tai Chi students working their way through the Fan.

It's seven miles to the ridge. We've never made it that far. We usually walk up for and hour and back down for an hour. The whole hike would be very strenuous.

Selfie of the day: I'm sure the correct response is, "Yes, Dear."

Maybe some day we'll venture to the top.

The Wiley Cager pulling a clever shuffling maneuver, hoping for a fresh start in February. Notice the yummy scone she bought me.

Art shot of the day:  Lately, things seem a little backwards.

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