Twelve days seems like a lifetime. We've settled back into our desert routines. Judy is working with her personal trainer, Rob, and is looking fit and strong. She's also knitting up a storm trying to keep up with our friend Ginny who is a knitting machine. We've rejoined the volunteer crew at Cross Street, serving breakfast to the homeless on Mondays and Fridays. And we've taken one hike in the desert so far. As for me, I'm on a five day a week Tai Chi pattern, which is both immensely satisfying and incredibly challenging. Since this was the first time we didn't bring our bicycles, I had to borrow "Big Blue" from Ted Ketchum because the normal park that we meet for Tai Chi class is under construction until the end of March. The good news is that I'm getting around forty miles a week riding that I wouldn't have otherwise. In other news, our visitation calendar begins to light up in February, where it seems the "Inn" will be packed. Fun time had by all, and means as usual that life will be good, especially today.
January weather has been chilly overnight with some freezing, but every day the blue sky comes out raising the temperature to the high sixties.
This metal Viking woman guards Brandi Felton Park.
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