Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Adventure 943: Day 1: Trumpocalypse/56

Dripping as the day was with the sad irony of Martin Luther King's tattered legacy, we decided to join the resistance, find a little joy, and experience genuine, truthful emotion by attending a concert put on by two "righteous babes"--Headliner Ani DiFranco (with her band) and her opening act, Joy Clark. Both embodied the hope that true human love for others can and will provide a road map out of the quagmire of authoritarian degradation. Judy and I spent time before the concert wandering the streets of downtown Tucson, especially the blue line, which highlights some of Tucson's historic past as well as filling onlookers eyes with spectacular murals. Coincidentally, it was also the annual Jazz weekend in Tucson, which meant several venues were active and a free space for music was provided near Corbett's bar on sixth avenue. The crowd was lively, engaged, and peaceful. Despite the oncoming flood of self-aggrandizement, cruelty and unbridled narcissism, we felt lucky to be in a space temporarily free from such actions. In that moment, we realized that life is good, especially today.

We enjoyed a pre-concert meal at Beaut, a vegetarian restaurant housed in one of the boxcars near the Mercado. Very yummy.

Joy Clark and Ani performed in the 105 year old Rialto Theater.

Art shot of the day: Cool lights above our table.

My bunny enjoying a Bahn Minh sandwich and some deep fried cauliflower bites.

Remember, just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.

Selfie of the day: Pre-concert drink at Corbett's.

Tucson legend, Linda Ronstadt, adoring the hallway near the rest rooms at Corbett's.

Sort of how I feel about America's current path.

Joy Clark

Ani sent her band off stage for a brief interlude of reflective discourse. The rest of the night she and her crew pounded out songs that resonated like heart palpitations through my psyche and my soul. Music has a way of doing that.

Let our better angels prevail.

Be watchful. Be aware. Be better.


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