Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Adventure 933: A View from the Perch/Mimi's 78 Birthday/46

Happy 78th birthday to Judy. In attendance was sister Karen, sister Deb, daughter Leticia, grandson, Falc, and hangers on, Ed and Tim. During story time, Karen related that Judy was a lot like Jesus when she was in high school: "She loved everyone." We had a nice salad for dinner, our traditional Angel food birthday cake (which Judy baked herself) sans candles, a little wine, a little after dinner wine, quite a few laughs, some warm hugs, some joyous tears, and an overflow of grateful emotions, which brings us to the bottom line: "Life is good, especially today!"

Sister Karen sharing her present.

Sister Deb sharing her hug.

Selfie of the day: Hanger on, Tim, grinning with good fortune.

The cake decorated by grandson, Falcon.

Laughter and tears followed Deb's present of Judy's mom Dorothy gnawing the chicken to the bone.

Some tears for good old Mutte.

These zinnia's from Judy's garden made the center piece.

Falcon enjoying the cake to the very last lick.


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