Thursday, August 22, 2024

Adventure 932: A View from the Perch/45

Judy and I spent last night on the boat. We do it once a season, which is about all this salty sailor can muster in terms of convincing boat babes to come aboard. I'm sure that's why pirates of old captured cargo, but that's not entirely correct on the blue side of the aisle. Nonetheless, my Bunny (completely willing) and I sailed toward Beauty Bay until the wind died. Our top boat speed was a thrilling 5.5 knts. Unfortunately, there were no available buoys when we arrived at the bay. Fortunately, we have a permanent berth at the yacht club, so we merely turned around and headed home, enjoyed a refreshing bit of tonic along the way. Once secure, we feasted on dogs and beans, coupled with a very nice Pinot Noir, cookies for desert, and as dusk arrived we settled into our berths in the cockpit. We each had a sleeping bag, a soft mat, a pillow, and the night sky as a canopy. We both slept well, despite the waning brightness of this month's super moon. In the morning, we enjoyed coffee, yogurt, nuts, berries, and a game of crib, which Judy won. At this point in the month, I'm a shaky nickel ahead. It was a nice time on Davey Boy. To top it off, we scrubbed the inside ceiling of the boat which had developed a little mold, and we wiped fresh teak oil on the wooden parts. Davey's inside looked as good as an old vessel can. Afterwards, we left for home, grateful that life is good, especially today.

A soft evening view from our slip.

Selfie of the day: Feasting on dogs and beans.

Good to the last slurp, especially with a bit of Miss Karen's mustard added.

Our sunrise view.

Judy enjoying her morning coffee, a devotional reading, and a Wordle challenge.

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