Where does the time go? When suddenly before our eyes sits a wonderfully grown young lady who's smart, thoughtful, compassionate, funny, loyal, and self-possessed of all of the other Girl Scout qualities a person can think of. Of course, we're proud grandparents, and in our current venue, there's much bragging to others about the "kids". We have plenty to share, seeing as how Steve and Bonnie, as well as our other kids have been wildly successful raising their kids. But this is Emily's time. Eighteen. Wow! She is talking about what to do about college. Where to go? What to study? The good news is she's so smart, she'll be fine wherever she decides to land. She proof that life is good, especially today. Couldn't be prouder.
A few Christmas's back. I'm so amazed!I got it figured out.
Cousins are still good from the front view.
Cosplay anyone?
Aunt Libby spoilage.
Cousin, Falcon, showing off Emily's birthday present.Just another great reason to smile.
Emily and sister, Sarah.
Cousins with Mimi a few years back.

Eighteen. Pretty cool.

Pretty good bunch.
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