Monday, July 1, 2024

Adventure 924: A View from the Perch-Little Eden Camp-Homeward Bound/37

After an overnight drenching rain and rolling thunder, we awoke to a bright morning in Glendive, MT. We hit the road around seven, joining what we thought was excessive traffic heading West. Our typical road trip finds us eager to get home.We usually push our limits. We decided to smell some roses this trip. That' why we visited the Badlands, and that's why we stopped in Missoula tonight. It was a good decision. We had time, so we visited the city park in Livingston for lunch, which was decked out with a slew of American flags, most of which were wrapped around the statue of Sacajawea. We continued to journey along with Lewis and Clark, which led us to ruminate about house arduous the trip was. Imagine portaging boats and gear over mountains, making wheels for carts from felled trees, negotiating with Indian tribes sans knowledge of custom or language, pulling heavy boats against the current. Truly remarkable. Perhaps it's just as remarkable to cruise along at over eighty miles per hour along a paved road in a computerized automobile, passing large trucks, RVs, and other vehicles along the way. I guess it means we've come a long way. It also means life is truly good, especially today.

A little bit cool for lunch, but a nice break nonetheless.

A view from our hotel room. Somewhat better accommodations than Lewis and Clark enjoyed.

For our last night on the road, we chose a well run brew pub.

Not quite Tucson quality, but a pretty good burrito anyway.
Judy's salmon flat bread was absolutely delicious.

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