Sunday, July 14, 2024

Adventure 929: A View from the Perch/Cle Elum Family Camp/42

Like the song says, "Blow wind blow, blow my troubles away..." The wind came up early today, making us surmise that the last two days were an anomaly. Nonetheless, we started apace with Semel (A Friesen family delicacy), sausage, eggs, fruit, and laughs. About noon we said good bye to Sawyer and Khylia. We made intermittent trips to the beach to brave the wind. Two groups made a trip to the Farmer's Market in Roslyn, and the rest of us mostly lounged the day away working puzzles (number three), playing cards, napping, reading, resting, relaxing, etc. Libby fixed her famous enchiladas for dinner, along with watermelon, roasted corn salad, corn chips, and exotic wine from Portugal. Needless to say, the thin gruel we've enjoyed these few days has been excellent. Clearly, life is good, especially today.

A pair of pretty good humans.

Libby's enchiladas.

The "Wiley Cager" teaching the kids how to play "Swish".

Vacation often means nap.

Lake Cle Elum under a full blow.

The foil kites were having a ball.

As was this foil wing guy.

Bonnie and Sarah during one of the wind braving moments.

Sarah snarfing the rice crispy treat she scored at the market. 

Steve securing the kayaks.

Mimi and Falcon working the puzzle.

Leticia fighting the wind.
Angela making it over the break water.

Early morning set up soon to be dashed by the unruly wind.

 Semel, or Zemel as the say in Kansas. Either way, sharp cheddar and strawberry jam finish the presentation.

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