The blue peg is quite stinky. |
What a great day! It started off at the park with a dozen other Tai Chi students. David's instruction today was especially effective, and I found myself longing to experience more time under his tutelage. It won't happen, but fortunately, I've been given a life time of corrections to incorporate into my practice. After Tai Chi, Judy and I went to lunch at a Chinese restaurant that David had suggested. It was quite good, although our cribbage game left me sitting in the most disappointing place a cribbage player can experience: the stink hole. It's like David says, "Miss by an inch, you might as well miss by mile". After lunch, we trekked south to Will and Tina's house to see them (And Anne Marie). Like all full time working working parents, Saturday is precious, so we were very happy that they agreed to let us stop by. Anne Marie, another of the beautiful O'Brien (And Pitts) prodigy, had just awakened from her nap. She welcomed us (Though she had never seen us) with a grin. She put on a precocious show that showed her natural brightness, her good humor, her playfulness, and even a tiny bit of her fake pouting. Like we all claim, she's the most beautiful baby ever. We stayed about an hour, and when we left, we took Tina's advice to tour Maya's Farm at South Mountain. It was a pleasant walk through what was once a pecan grove. By the time we got back north, it was time to eat again, so we went to the Atoyac, our favorite Mexican hole in the wall restaurant where we enjoyed yet another fabulous Mole burrito. We then returned to Grand Canyon University to watch basketball, this time the boys' semi-finals, which featured a kid named Marvin Begley III who is a 6'10" freshman and already among the top ten recruits in America. A few players over the years have jumped straight from high school to the pros. Time will tell, but Marvin may join that group. He was as good as advertised. He made many good plays, but one of the most impressive was a coast to coast rush that ended with a slam dunk and foul for an 'and one'. Oh, I forgot the thundering put back dunk he had off a missed shot. And then there was the three pointer he swished from the corner, not to mention the nice 'dime' he dished to one of his teammates. It was fun to watch (I took no pictures). We finished the night on a sad note, watching the recorded footage of the Zags losing to BYU. It's very difficult to finish a league (Any league, any level) season undefeated. The Zags found that out. They ran into a talented club fighting for a berth in the upcoming NCAA tournament. It most likely means that Gonzaga will drop a notch in the tournament seedings, but it could also hold the silver lining of inspiration. There's nothing like the bitter taste of defeat to redirect team's focus. In all, it was a great day. We enjoyed good food, good company, good competition, and the good life, especially today.

The walls in this place had menus printed in Chinese. We should have just pointed.
Instead we ordered Hong Kong style Chow Mien.
And some pot stickers.
My niece, Tina (mom) and her beautiful daughter, Anne Marie.
Anne Marie, showing her talents off at the plastic play station. The stunning blue eyes are a mystery.
Anne Marie in the midst of her 'motor boat' imitation.
Daddy putting the raspberry (Don't all dads) on Anne Marie.
Anne Marie doesn't have any teeth yet, but judging from her constant gum massage, she will soon.
She's mobile, cute, and aware.
She's also quite feisty. Notice the tongue in motion.
And she's quite brilliant (I think she skipped pre-school and enrolled at ASU for the fall semester).
Art shot at the farm.
I just love cactus plants.
The farm has a greenhouse full of a private collection of amazing cactus plants, some in full bloom.
Cactus plants are very private: they say, "Look but touch at your own peril."
They grow as climbers.
They grow as tubes.
They grow in an array of delicate stars.
My half of the Mole Burrito.
Judy enduring yet another selfie.
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