Our view at breakfast. |
A raindrop four hundredths of an inch in diameter falls at nine miles an hour; a droplet six times as large falls at twenty. I don't know what size the raindrops were today, but rain was falling at an inch an hour for a while and the total was just under five inches here on Galveston Island, which is nothing compared to the forty-two inches that soaked Alvin, TX in 1979. Nevertheless, our yard turned into a lake so inviting that three ducks took up residence right up until the great white shark swam up trying to mess with my girl. I had to harpoon him, wrestled him into a hammer lock, and hang him from the rafters. The ducks just wiggled their tails in delight. Needless to say, after that excitement, we spent most of the day inside the trailer, thankful for the natural light that the windows provide. We read, watched a little basketball, and played three games of cribbage. I was down 0-3 and feeling like a wet mallard up until the last game of the day when I tricked the Wily Cager into switching to the unlucky side of the table. Suddenly, I was on fire. I burned her lead with a nifty double skunk. I'm now ahead 4-3 with two games to play, and of course one of us feels that all is right with the world (I wonder which one?). The flash flood warning was taken off about 6 P.M. and tomorrow the sun is supposed to peek out. We'll be happy for that, and we'll be even happier that we won't be here in about a month when the mosquitos will hatch like political schemes. Hopefully, we'll be able to ride in the morning, although I'll have to grease the bicycle a little bit after the deluge it endured today. We didn't suffer too badly today because we enjoyed some of Ginny Kral's vegetable soup for lunch, and we were able to visit the fish market for some fresh Tilapia that we made into delicious fish tacos. After dinner, the rain let up and the sun peeked out under some pretty clouds along the horizon. We walked the half mile to the local grocery store just to get out a little bit (And to get cookies and ice cream). It felt refreshing to breath the moist, clean and incredibly warm air because of course we realize that life is good, especially today.

An inch an hour makes quite a sound on an aluminum roof.
Judy's orchid is loving the humidity.
Art shot of the day.
Ginny's soup: a blend of her garden vegetables. Very rich, filling, and tasty. Perfect for a rainy day.
The mallards swimming in what was our side yard yesterday. Now it's Quack Lake.
My Bunny staying warm in her knitted booties.
What a better day to watch March Madness.
Our thin gruel for dinner: Fish Tacos.
I had to use a few Tai Chi Chuan moves on this fellow.
Tomorrow's promise.
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