Monday, July 15, 2024

Adventure 930: A View from the Perch/Cle Elum Family Camp/43

Last day/night of this year's camp. The wind blew hard so we split our adventures. Steve and his family went on a bike ride. Libby and I toured Roslyn. Angela, Leticia, Falcon, and Zam braved the wind on the beach. Mimi floated among her flock, relishing in her wildly successful family blend. At dinner, prepared by Leticia, we rambled on with vivid family memories. Much pleasant noise ensued. One highlight holding the stage was Emily reliving her solo venture to Seattle to attend the ComiCon conference. Of course she stayed with Aunt Libby. Their retelling, fueled by a bit of white wine led to some ******ing hilarious renditions. All of us laughed until we cried. I must say that this year's family camp qualifies as wildly successful, proving once again that life is good, especially today.

Bonnie fed the crew this morning with her special breakfast burritos.

This public beach, which was mostly empty today, served us well.

Libby and I took a hike through the woods to get out of the wind. We tried to see the dam, but the officer shooed us away.

Emily and Sarah showing the way along the bike trail.

The Williams' family bike ride.

Falcon and Zam.
Falcon and Zam running step for step from the house to the beach.


Fried plantains for snacks before dinner.

Aunt Libby and Sarah Bear-a enjoying a giggle.

Aunt Libby showing Mimi how to use her new ear phones.

Emily using her phone reflections to chase Falcon around.

Leticia, in her element, preparing fish tacos for diner.

Emily, recounting her solo trip to Seattle. Good life lesson.

Good night, sweet prince. Sleep well.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Adventure 929: A View from the Perch/Cle Elum Family Camp/42

Like the song says, "Blow wind blow, blow my troubles away..." The wind came up early today, making us surmise that the last two days were an anomaly. Nonetheless, we started apace with Semel (A Friesen family delicacy), sausage, eggs, fruit, and laughs. About noon we said good bye to Sawyer and Khylia. We made intermittent trips to the beach to brave the wind. Two groups made a trip to the Farmer's Market in Roslyn, and the rest of us mostly lounged the day away working puzzles (number three), playing cards, napping, reading, resting, relaxing, etc. Libby fixed her famous enchiladas for dinner, along with watermelon, roasted corn salad, corn chips, and exotic wine from Portugal. Needless to say, the thin gruel we've enjoyed these few days has been excellent. Clearly, life is good, especially today.

A pair of pretty good humans.

Libby's enchiladas.

The "Wiley Cager" teaching the kids how to play "Swish".

Vacation often means nap.

Lake Cle Elum under a full blow.

The foil kites were having a ball.

As was this foil wing guy.

Bonnie and Sarah during one of the wind braving moments.

Sarah snarfing the rice crispy treat she scored at the market. 

Steve securing the kayaks.

Mimi and Falcon working the puzzle.

Leticia fighting the wind.
Angela making it over the break water.

Early morning set up soon to be dashed by the unruly wind.

 Semel, or Zemel as the say in Kansas. Either way, sharp cheddar and strawberry jam finish the presentation.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Adventure 928: A View from the Perch/Cle Elum Family Camp/41

Glorious day two. Same weather. Bright sun, calm water until the thermal winds rolled down from the mountains in the afternoon. However, it being Saturday, the entire beached filled and then filled in secondary parking. What is wonderful is the chill nature of the revelers. Participants were mostly families, everyone sharing the space in a manner that demonstrated that better angels still exist. I expect much the same tomorrow. We started the day with Mimi serving blueberry pancakes, fried eggs to order, and fresh fruit. Before breakfast, Bonnie drove her car down to the lake to insure we had beach front. We frolicked the day away playing in the water. It was Angela and Sawyer's turn to cook dinner. They served a fabulous Greek/Lebanese spread, and Mimi served her angel food cake for dessert. We sang happy birthday to everyone. It was quite a rendition, proving once again that life is good, especially today.

Mimi hard at it at the griddle.

Puzzle number one complete. Many hands make light work.

Not yet ten in the morning. Most beach spots filled.

Steve resting after unloading the water toys.



Bonnie giving paddle board instructions to Khylia.

The armada leaves the beach.

Sawyer and Khylia heading out.


Bonnie, Leticia, and Angela enjoying an afternoon libation.

Happy birthday everyone.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Adventure 927: A View from the Perch/Cle Elum Family Camp/40

We woke to an absolutely perfect day. The wind stayed calm until 2:30 P.M., which meant we enjoyed the water front most of the day. Water toys filled the lake, sunscreen glistened off bodies, libations flowed, and a good time was had by all. Late afternoon, grandson Sawyer arrived with his gal friend, Khylia, making our family compliment complete. Bonnie and Steve prepared a nice dinner, Greek influenced, and we all feasted. One snafu surfaced. The alarm on holding tank for the sewer system made itself known. Thankfully, the landlords reacted quickly, sending a man out to pump the tank and reset the alarm. Unfortunately, the pump on the system is shot, which means we have to ration water use in the coming days. This isn't as easy as it sounds with fourteen people. Worst case is that the pump truck returns since it is unlikely that a new pump will arrive and be installed before our scheduled departure. Septic tank systems required attention and maintenance, but are often neglected until things bubble up crude in a way a little less romantic that the old Clampet's sitcom with Granny, Jethro, and Ellie May. Nonetheless, it represents just another first world problem, and doesn't alter the fact that life is good, especially today.

Mimi at 5 A.M. enjoying her morning routine: coffee, muffin, NY Times games, Spokesman.

Perfect morning, perfect day.

Bonnie and Sarah enjoying their morning routine.

Steve and Emily enjoying theirs.

Break out the water toys!
Fortunately, the beach is firm enough to drive on, making the portage of toys much easier. As a bonus, the truck provided shade for Mimi and Angela.

Libby catching a few rays.

Steve manning a kayak, followed closely by a shark named Sarah.

TC and Falc checking out the action down the beach.

Mother, daughter confab.

Grandson, Sawyer.

Libby tending to her baby, "Tommy".

Sawyer and Khylia relaxing after their drive from Portland.

Sarah and Emily playing a game of speed.

Bubbling crude.

Traditional family card game: Skipbo.

Not so speedy now. After a day of fun, some mandatory screen time.