Justice for All.
What a day! The Reverend Al Sharpton may have had the best quip of the day when he said, "Petty caught a plane to Florida." And Amanda Gorman may have asked the seminal question when she opened her poem with "When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade?" Or when she pointed out that "...the norms of what just is isn't always just-ice." In the end she witnessed "...for there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it, if only we're brave enough to be it." How inspiring! I wish my spirit had her purity because when I flipped to Fox news for the take of "The Five", my blood boiled the same as theirs. Their reflections centered on what they felt was the left's quest to punish the right. Jesse Watters sarcastically suggested that racism isn't a prominent issue in America. Greg Gutfield went on a poisonous rant about the cancel culture. It helps to realize that the the "battle for the soul of our country" as President Biden framed it still wages, but my great fear is that in the name of reconciliation, accountability will be lost. I'm guilty as charged in my blood lust for punishment. I find myself disgusted by Kevin McCarthy's comments, by Ted Cruz's mere presence, and the seditious over reach of more than one hundred congress members objecting to Biden's certification. I found myself less than generous about Mike Pence's stiff performance today, and I could barely listen to Mitch McConnell's Senate floor speech yesterday. This is all to say that I'm dismayed to find myself as part of the problem, as part of the great divide. I've become a profiler, muttering to myself as I observe other people, "That guy must be a Trump supporter; therefore he must be a moron. This kind of attitude isn't helpful, which is why I'm so grateful that a better man than myself is now at the helm of our country. Joe Biden is decent, compassionate, experienced, and empathetic. I'll do everything I can to support him. For it's good to think that better days are coming, which in itself is a baseless claim for me because my life is and has been good for some time. I pray that with the leadership of Joe Biden and the inspiration Amanda Gorman I'll be able to develop the courage to be the light. If so, I'll be able to get out of the shade of the petty plane.

Don't even get me started on the issues of free speech, media manipulation, and the disingenuous world of alternative facts.
Note: The above rant and admission of personal weakness is not necessarily certified by my Bunny. She has a much more positive view of today's events.
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